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Resistive vs Capacitive

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I'm looking at picking up either two 7" or one 10" touch monitor(s) which i plan to use for MFDs and custom buttons/switches through Helios. However I'm not sure which technology i should go with. I know both have their advantages and disadvantages.


For something that is primarily going to be used to press buttons/functions which one would you go with? do you like to just tap it lightly (Capacitive) or do you prefer a more tactile feel and like you're actually pressing something (Resistive?)

Saitek X-52 | Track IR 5 w/ TrackClip | DSD "Trackzilla" Button Box

Flaming Cliffs 3 | F-5e | Mirage 2000 | A-10c | Harrier AV-8B


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