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My Radio doesnt work properly.

Neil Gardner

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Dear all


Having a bit of a nightmare with my radios. I've studied the manuals, tried to follow things carefully and yet every aircraft I try to use it sometimes answers me, sometimes does not. Sometimes answers 5 minutes after I've asked something sometimes answers in reasonable time. Occasionally it neither answers nor does what I ask. Hope you can throw some light on things.





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Which module? Have you correctly tuned the radio in question? Who are you trying to communicate with? What mission are you running? Which version of DCS World?


To get a helpful reply, you'll need to describe exactly what is happening, and preferably, add a track too.


Otherwise we can only give you vague generalized replies, which will be totally unhelpful.

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I understand. Well, at present I am using DCS World BETA 1.5, patched up to date. I use quick mission, from ramp - so cold and dark - and I am presently alternating between the F5, the L39, and the MIG 21. I believe that I am following the manual correctly but am open to correction, and problems ensue when I attempt to communicate with ground crew for power, air or rearm, or ATC on the taxi ways or ready for take-off.





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Couple of potential issues.

Be sure your pit is open when you contact the ground crew. If you're in a cold aircraft, they will not hear you with the canopy closed until you bring your radios up.


Regarding contacting ATC/other aircraft while in flight, be sure your radio is tuned to the correct frequency and you use the mic switch keybind to select the appropriate radio. Make your calls at the correct time (i.e. request startup before engine start, taxi before rolling, takeoff at hold short line) or sometimes AI ATC will become unresponsive.


For many airframes, / opens the comms menu for interphone/yelling out of the cockpit and Ralt-/ uses the mic switch for communication on radio.


In your gameplay options, be sure EASY COMMUNICATION is not checked. This will try to manage your radios automatically and often does a poor job for complicated interactions.

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I understand. Well, at present I am using DCS World BETA 1.5, patched up to date. I use quick mission, from ramp - so cold and dark - and I am presently alternating between the F5, the L39, and the MIG 21. I believe that I am following the manual correctly but am open to correction, and problems ensue when I attempt to communicate with ground crew for power, air or rearm, or ATC on the taxi ways or ready for take-off.






For the Mig-21, I haven't tried with, but on the previous version the radio communication with ATC doesn't work except if you launch the mission from the mission editor. I've reported that on their bug tracker.



I've just tried on the F-5 but it works fine for me, by manually setting the frequency.

System specs: Win7 x64 | CPU: i7-4770K | RAM: 16 GB | GPU: GTX 980 Ti 6 GB | Thrustmaster HOTAS | MFG rudder pedals | SATA3 SSD | TrackIR

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The ATC seems worse with each version. Now in the F-5 (at least in the Cold Start training mission), it says multiple times "you are cleared to take off", then "unable to clear".


With the A-10 it simply does not respond to that part (the start-up and taxi are fine), only once the pilot is on the runway, then it says "unable to clear for take-off".


For landing it will only give the clearance at the last moment of the approach, very dangerous. And sometimes it will give the clearance when another aircraft is on the runway, then require to go around at the last second.

System specs: Win7 x64 | CPU: i7-4770K | RAM: 16 GB | GPU: GTX 980 Ti 6 GB | Thrustmaster HOTAS | MFG rudder pedals | SATA3 SSD | TrackIR

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