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converting toggle-only switches to discrete states?


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I have read thread on setting up toggle switches, but it describes the opposite of what I wish to do: I wish to set up commands to flip switches to discrete positions. IE, instead of "SPU-9 change position" I want "SPU-9 VHF2" "SPU-9 VHF1" and "SPU-9 Interphone"


Digging at the LUA files now, but I don't even know where to begin to look to find out what the icommand for each discrete state should be

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It can be done as Helios has bindings for each, but you would need a separate switch lead for each command. That may not be possible as you may already need hundreds of switch leads to make a cockpit. No reason you can't do it if you have the outputs.


I just use three outputs for my rotary knobs and use code to send the commands you don't like (up and down). It gets used so rarely that it doesn't go out of sync with the sim. Works fine in either direction with code.


If you are using DCS BIOS, good luck. Report your findings when you learn how. I believe it is just a value you set that controls how far the switch moves.


You may want to post this in Input Output forum.

Edited by JG14_Smil
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do you want to set up "bands" in the saitek profile and each band will mean a different button is pressed?

Let me know how that works, I cant do that. Each time I tried to do that, the saitek software went nuts, joystick kept repeating that keypress insanely fast to the point, where every application was affected and I had to restart my computer, NOT even dare to touch the rotary and select the rotary to "do nothing". Slight touch of the rotary when programmed this way, lead to insane response.

But that may be because I use X-52, not X-55 like you.

My setup: Intel i3 4170, NVidia GTX960, 4x4GB DDR3 1600MHz, 128GB Kingston SSD, FaceTrackNOIR

Modules: KA-50, Mig-21, SU-27, Mi-8


If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter -- and therefore, unsafe

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do you want to set up "bands" in the saitek profile and each band will mean a different button is pressed?

Let me know how that works, I cant do that. Each time I tried to do that, the saitek software went nuts, joystick kept repeating that keypress insanely fast to the point, where every application was affected and I had to restart my computer, NOT even dare to touch the rotary and select the rotary to "do nothing". Slight touch of the rotary when programmed this way, lead to insane response.

But that may be because I use X-52, not X-55 like you.


hell no, Saitek software is absolute garbage.


For an example of what i wanted to achieve, install the file i posted (JSGME compatible) and have a look at the "Weapon Status Panel PUI-800" section. Note how in addition to things like "master arm on/off" there is now "master arm on" and "master arm off". Or under systems, SPU-9 Radio Selector now has VHF-2, VHF-1, SW and Ground Crew as options.


Eventually, I will do this for all the switches and post it to the mods section.

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