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Cannot see the refueling basket

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I know about this issue when flying online but I cannot see it even when flying offline! It is not a problem for me to refuel, but it would be nice to see the basket actually.

I tried from a clean install of LO and I was able to see it for like 3-4 seconds, then it dissapears...

When I mod the game then I cannot see it at all



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It's probably a bug with some graphic cards. I don't have problems like that but I sometimes can't see runway textures. This can be pretty dodgy while landing visually.


Believe me or not but I had better display quality with Club3D Radeon 9200 SE than now when I made an "upgrade" to Club 3D X800 RX.


I can get better FPS now with new Graph card, although I still don't use max graphic settings. In order to fly along with few AI units around I still have to crop water quality, scenes, and some LOD with LO and disable all AA and AF in ATI display settings...


But now my textures flicker and sometimes disappear completely. For instance I use default runway textures but while taxiing down the runway concrete mesh flickers crazy. Any ideas how to stop this?!


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Guest IguanaKing

Vekkinho, how long have you had that X800 installed in your machine? You might want to examine the card and see if any dust has collected in the cooling fins. The problem you are seeing sounds like an overheating problem to me. I had the same problem with my old 9800XT, and I found that the GPU temperature was going WAY too high. I ended up just replacing the stock cooler with a Zalman, and I had no more problems with flashing/corrupted textures. It might be worth having a look at the cooling fins on your card. ;)

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My X800 is month and a half old now and it was brand new when I bought it, but the flickering textures appeared on the first day, first run of it with LOFC. In other words right after I installed it straight from the box I made a test run with Lock On - Flaming Cliffs and textures flickered. I did gain some FPS compared to what I had with Ati-9200, but it's not 170 US$ worth increase...


By the way I use ATI tray tools but I can't see the damn temperature readout of X800 card?!! I didn't overclock X800, it's all default!


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The card doesnt have to be o/c'ed to overheat, it could be the way that its mounted and trap the heat next to the card. The poor man's fix? Take the side panel off and run a fan next to it into the open slot. See if this fixes any problems. If that is the case, then get a bigger cooling fan for your case.

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