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Theaters of War in DCS World 2.0


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I've just changed to a new PC and had just downloaded DCS 2.0 + some of my other paid add-ons, including NTTR.


However, I noticed only the NTTR theater is available. How may I get back the other default theaters of war?


Hope to hear some advice. Thanks.



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Theres only one other. The Caucasus map which is in the 1.5 version. That's where all training, missions, and campaigns are as well. The 2.0 version has only Nevada at this point but the Normandy map may be added there when released.

Edited by cthulhu68


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So if I want the original default war theaters I would have to install World 1.5? I assume that would not conflict with World 2.0 right? Also, would I need to re-download and install my paid add-ons again?





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