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TID, how have countdown before Takeoff ?


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Hello guys


I learn the start-up process with video of Bunyap Sims :



At 2:00 the user turn rotary switch on TID position and after that he have the countdown before to Takeoff.


I follow the same method but my TID show me 000000 numbers, not this countdown.

Please can you explain to me how I can obtain this countdown ?

In flight no problem, I have the time for the waypoint.


In advance a great thanks, Skull.

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Did you set a target-time on any of the waypoints? In the mission editor, you click the little box by the time when having one of the waypoints selected.



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Thanks for your answer, yes when I build my mission I've added few waypoints.

I follow the same checklist from this video but when I switch ON the TID the data are not countdown, in fact on the ground I have just the actual time 10:01


Here a very short video from my rampstart but my TID show me the actual time and not decrease time as this video of Bunyap Sims...




Here one screenshot from the manual and the countdown fo takeoff:




Is it normal or not ?

Edited by Skulleader
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Have you set one of the waypoints as a target, "M"?


I think you require a Time on Target in order for the system to give you a countdown to take off, in order to achieve a TOT.



Take-off time

If the aircraft is on the ground and a Time on Target is set, a planned take-off time is displayed.

An empty first digit indicates time to throttle-up on take-off and a minus sign indicates the time

after take-off should have occurred.

Edited by Accipiter

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS.

Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky

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