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Maple Flag BFT Erratic AI Ground Behavior


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With the release of 2.5 I decided to splurge on some quality training material to get my A-10 skills up to snuff, so I purchased the Maple Flag training missions, but i had some erratic results.


in BFT 1 (campaign) upon reaching the runway the instructor parked right at the edge of the runway - so i stayed behind him. Once the other A-10 had taken off, the instructor did a left hand turn, rammed my left wing and hence i failed the mission. he did this again on a retry - however this time I anticipated my kamikaze trainer and did a wide right hand turn on the runway so i got out of his way and rejoined him trundling down the runway, where he proceeded to come to a full stop when the oncoming car approached. He remained there with no intention of moving. After 5 minutes of not moving I could only conclude he had decided to take the rest of the day off, so I quit the mission.


slightly miffed I copied the BFT 2 campaign mission into the custom mission folder and tried that one. upon completing startup my instructor started rolling without me getting ready first (despite his radio call to the contrary), then remained stationary at the runway threshold - telling me to proceed with take-off. Despite the A-10 having no reverse gear, I did manage to barely squeeze by him onto the runway and take off. mid take off roll he reprimanded me for still not being on the runway - then failed me for the same reason as my landing gear was retracting.


On the second attempt I did the one of the fastest start ups i can manage on the a-10 to get ahead of my intstructor and waited at the runway threshold for take off clearance - sadly my instructor did not take kindly to this initiative on my part and rear-ended me with his a-10, ripping off my tail and nudging me onto the runway trailing a good bit fire.



Long story short - there must be something broken in the ground handling from what i can tell with the release of 2.5. Could you please take a look?

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We retested both missions and can confirm that the FE Humvee behavior has changed - likely in the recent patch update.


The Humvee does do a circle instead of just turning down the runway so if you keep 3 or 4 Humvee lengths back he will turn in front of you and keep going.


In our test he did stop on the runway as the fire truck approached but then proceeded and we were able to complete the mission. Maybe the AI is getting confused if you get too close so we recommend keeping about 3 or 4 Humvee lengths back.


On the 2nd mission we were not able to reproduce your issue but we did notice that when you call taxi the AI wingman immediately starts to roll so you should proceed as soon as you call taxi. We suspect if you call taxi but then don't move the AI will get in front of you and block the runway.


In our test they didn't drive into the back of us - again likely because we got to the runway first - so don't call taxi until you are ready to actually taxi as it appears the taxi call is triggering the wingman to move instead of your movement. Attachment shows us parked at the runway threshold and the wingman waiting behind us.



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Thank you for looking into this!


I did a re-test of mission 1 and slammed on the brakes as soon as the "watch for traffic on runways" dialogue got triggered. Instructor did his swerve again, but this time he, indeed, didn't hit me. When going down the runway he did stop for a bit to let the fire truck pass, but then proceeded to drive on. Only thing that kept me from qualifying was that I forgot to turn off TACAN - though that one is squarely on me, of course. Managed to get a Q on the subsequent pass though.


As far as mission 2 goes, I also re-tried it and this time managed to get to race my instructor to the runway with enough time to get take-off clearance from the tower to get onto the runway before a potential crash. IIRC the first time ATC took a good while to give me the actual taxi clearance.


Not to be pushy or anything, but are you planning to address these bugs (since i don't think the missions were designed that way) in a future update?


Keep up the good work! I am really looking forward to what you (hopefully) will have in store for the F/A-18

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