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Constant MP fails, kicked to main menu.


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Hi all,


Hope someone can help me with this. I enjoy playing MP but recently it is just getting unplayable because after 5 or 10 minutes the sound stops, screen goes blank, and the next thing I know I am back at the main menu screen (not even the MP server selection screen, the main screen with Instant Action, Mission etc down the right hand side).


I normally have just enough time to start the jet, get in the air, then it is all over. It happens virtually every time. Maybe 1 in 10 times I manage to last long enough to be shot down.:joystick:


Internet connection seems fine, no interruptions.


I am running 2.5.014304


Doesn't seem to matter what server I join, happens with the F5 and the Harrier GR9 (sorry, I mean AV8B :music_whistling:)


Is there a log file somewhere that I can post that might help someone more knowledgeable than me figure out what is wrong?


Thanks in advance for any help,






System specs:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home

Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299

System Type x64-based PC

System SKU SKU

Processor Intel® Core i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 3402, 10/07/2017

SMBIOS Version 3.0

Embedded Controller Version 255.255


BaseBoard Manufacturer ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.

PCR7 Configuration Binding Not Possible

Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS

System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32

Time Zone GMT Standard Time

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 16.0 GB

Total Physical Memory 15.9 GB

Available Physical Memory 5.82 GB

Total Virtual Memory 21.7 GB

Available Virtual Memory 4.16 GB

Page File Space 5.75 GB

Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Device Encryption Support Reasons for failed automatic device encryption: TPM is not usable, PCR7 binding is not supported, Hardware Security Test Interface failed and the device is not InstantGo, Un-allowed DMA-capable bus/device(s) detected, TPM is not usable

Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes

Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes

Hyper-V - Virtualisation Enabled in Firmware No

Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes

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