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Mist Error message


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Thats not a mist error, its just a normal scripting engine error. Check your dcs.log file for where-ever it is listed. All I know for sure is something is trying to use a value named "pos" that is at line 4 of the code. It is likely the flak script or something else.

The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world.

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Thats not a mist error, its just a normal scripting engine error. Check your dcs.log file for where-ever it is listed. All I know for sure is something is trying to use a value named "pos" that is at line 4 of the code. It is likely the flak script or something else.


okay thanks will take a look..:thumbup:


Edited: 5:55pm


okay found this line...

2018-03-21 16:07:18.005 INFO    SCRIPTING: Mist version 4.3.74 loaded.
2018-03-21 16:17:23.118 ERROR   DCS: Mission script error: : [string "do..."]:4: attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[string "do..."]:4: in main chunk
2018-03-21 16:17:23.333 INFO    Config: netview stopped
2018-03-21 16:17:23.371 INFO    TERRAIN: lSystem::CleanScenes()
2018-03-21 16:17:23.426 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: rendertarget 'HeatAir' not found


So how do I correct this...????

Edited by Double_D


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

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Hi Double_D,

Possibly a typo in your mission where you are calling a flak script function. Try going back and making sure that all the names in the addtgt calls or whatever type of flak you are using are correct. No accidental leading or trailing spaces or stuff like 'red flak' when the zone name is really 'redflak'



I haven't looked at the script for ages because I thought that now you can put real 88s with correct airburst effects into missions people would do it that way. Although I did post a suggestion up on the wishlist that it would be great to be able to have the aerial equivalent of the new artillery barrage trigger action so you could put up a zone of flak bursts with a top and bottom altitude without placing units as quite often for missions with B17s there is no need for the ground units as the aircraft are high up and you just want the flak. Plus it would probably be less costly performance wise without having AI to run. A heavy barrage of flak involves placing a lot of 88s or Bofors at the moment with presumably the usual penalties for high numbers of AI ground units.


Anyway if you still have problems post up your mission and I will try to take a look and see if something in a recent update has busted the script.







okay thanks will take a look..:thumbup:


Edited: 5:55pm


okay found this line...

2018-03-21 16:07:18.005 INFO    SCRIPTING: Mist version 4.3.74 loaded.
2018-03-21 16:17:23.118 ERROR   DCS: Mission script error: : [string "do..."]:4: attempt to index local 'pos' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "do..."]:4: in main chunk
2018-03-21 16:17:23.333 INFO    Config: netview stopped
2018-03-21 16:17:23.371 INFO    TERRAIN: lSystem::CleanScenes()
2018-03-21 16:17:23.426 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: rendertarget 'HeatAir' not found

So how do I correct this...????

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Hi Double_D,

Possibly a typo in your mission where you are calling a flak script function. Try going back and making sure that all the names in the addtgt calls or whatever type of flak you are using are correct. No accidental leading or trailing spaces or stuff like 'red flak' when the zone name is really 'redflak'



I haven't looked at the script for ages because I thought that now you can put real 88s with correct airburst effects into missions people would do it that way. Although I did post a suggestion up on the wishlist that it would be great to be able to have the aerial equivalent of the new artillery barrage trigger action so you could put up a zone of flak bursts with a top and bottom altitude without placing units as quite often for missions with B17s there is no need for the ground units as the aircraft are high up and you just want the flak. Plus it would probably be less costly performance wise without having AI to run. A heavy barrage of flak involves placing a lot of 88s or Bofors at the moment with presumably the usual penalties for high numbers of AI ground units.


Anyway if you still have problems post up your mission and I will try to take a look and see if something in a recent update has busted the script.






Okay thanks...will check once again..:thumbup:


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

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