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Hello. Can you make the B17 drop bombs. I have been struggling to do this, and am just wondering if its capable of dropping bombs on a target. In the mission builder in the weapons editor the plane shows empty and I cannot add weapons to it like you can to the A10 and other planes. Is the plane functional or is it just eye candy? Another thought is the plane capable of defending its self Will it shoot back if shot at???


Yes. You have to go through some steps that I may not be able to articulate properly. But, you have to create a loadout for her, then when you set the bombing run, you can set up "WWII carpet bombing" or something like that. Then, where the weapon says "Auto" change it to "Bombs" then "all". It will carpet bomb. Yes, it shoots back.

Sorry, no cool signature here.

  Toto said:
Hello. Can you make the B17 drop bombs. I have been struggling to do this, and am just wondering if its capable of dropping bombs on a target. In the mission builder in the weapons editor the plane shows empty and I cannot add weapons to it like you can to the A10 and other planes. Is the plane functional or is it just eye candy? Another thought is the plane capable of defending its self Will it shoot back if shot at???


There seems to be a lot of hit and miss when trying to get the B17 to do much of anything. I finally just gave up on any kind of bombing missions due to the inconsistencies in the plane's behavior. The whole assets pack is pretty much a non starter for me at this point. I went back to using modern stuff on my WWII battlefields because the asset pack vehicles, planes, and weapons aren't much help when making missions. What little it has to offer doesn't seem to do much.

Maybe they've fixed some of the stuff or added to it. I haven't bothered with it in months. Sad really..........

  Zimmerdylan said:
There seems to be a lot of hit and miss when trying to get the B17 to do much of anything. I finally just gave up on any kind of bombing missions due to the inconsistencies in the plane's behavior. The whole assets pack is pretty much a non starter for me at this point. I went back to using modern stuff on my WWII battlefields because the asset pack vehicles, planes, and weapons aren't much help when making missions. What little it has to offer doesn't seem to do much.

Maybe they've fixed some of the stuff or added to it. I haven't bothered with it in months. Sad really..........


Just a thought, did you add a payload to your bombers???:music_whistling:


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

  Zimmerdylan said:
There seems to be a lot of hit and miss when trying to get the B17 to do much of anything. I finally just gave up on any kind of bombing missions due to the inconsistencies in the plane's behavior. The whole assets pack is pretty much a non starter for me at this point. I went back to using modern stuff on my WWII battlefields because the asset pack vehicles, planes, and weapons aren't much help when making missions. What little it has to offer doesn't seem to do much.

Maybe they've fixed some of the stuff or added to it. I haven't bothered with it in months. Sad really..........



For me, the most reliable way to use B17s is to limit each group to a single unit with its own route & tasking. Manually build the formation either in the ME or using LUA. It can be time consuming, but I've gotten fairly deterministic behavior this way. For testing, time acceleration is your friend =)


Presently, it only takes a tiny burst of MG to kill a B17. My current project is to make the B17s more durable by counting hits and triggering a death sequence above a threshold. Lame? Yes. But its better than what we've got. I've implemented this for other unit types so I don't see why it wouldn't work here.


But I agree with your point, the WWII assets require a lot of creativity =)

  Kyridious said:
For me, the most reliable way to use B17s is to limit each group to a single unit with its own route & tasking. Manually build the formation either in the ME or using LUA. It can be time consuming, but I've gotten fairly deterministic behavior this way. For testing, time acceleration is your friend =)


Presently, it only takes a tiny burst of MG to kill a B17. My current project is to make the B17s more durable by counting hits and triggering a death sequence above a threshold. Lame? Yes. But its better than what we've got. I've implemented this for other unit types so I don't see why it wouldn't work here.


But I agree with your point, the WWII assets require a lot of creativity =)


You are exactly right. The problem is that you cannot depend on a formation of any size to follow waypoints, drop bombs, or even fly at a given speed. You have better luck setting up each plane individually. Even then, I found myself running the mission after setting up each plane to make sure it worked correctly. I found that much of the time I would have to set it up multiple times to get it to work correctly. This is a major pain in the ass when you are trying to set up a carpet bombing mission.

I have even had issues getting 3 or four B17's to just take off and meet up at a given point so that I can do formation flying. The altitude and speed never follows what I set it for.

The assets pack with it's indestructible tanks that don't follow orders, limited inventory, and the other issues that seem to come with it is a bust at this point.

I don't bother with it and would not recommend that anyone even purchase it until it gets up to even minimal standards.

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