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I popped into the Harrier again last night, as I'm in the last stages of building my cockpit for it and noticed many of the improvements over the last year, moving map, vapors, deck crew on the Tarawa =) Looks great =)


I have two questions regarding my experience :


#1 It seems miscellaneous switches are set randomly, requiring a quick preflight inspection. This is the only aircraft I have noticed this in, but also saw there was a special training mission regarding preflight. This is a deliberate feature and not a bug? Not a complaint, just requesting verification.


#2 While executing a high speed left aileron roll, I completed two or three revolutions when suddenly the aircraft instantly entered an all axis end over end... departure, I guess? It was completely unexpected and was gyrating ever which way at extremely high speed. According to the HUD I reached 23.3g. I was able to recover by nosing down (ish) with counter rudder and full throttle. I was unable to repeat it, deliberately trying to depart with rudder and elevator inputs. This is a glitch or did I discover a very extreme form of departure? Anybody else experience such? I didn't see any references in the bug threads.

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2


That's what I'm asking though, I'm aware of those sort of limitations, but the behavior seemed somewhat extreme, I'm talking full revolutions end over end on the order of 2 or 3 times a second, and 23+ gs. It was also recoverable. I also was unable to repeat the behavior by prolonged rolling TRYING to make it depart. I know what the manual says. I'm asking if the specific behavior is correct, as I would expect the plane to disintegrate and/or the pilot to die or at least instantly black out. None of those things happened.

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

That's what I'm asking though, I'm aware of those sort of limitations, but the behavior seemed somewhat extreme, I'm talking full revolutions end over end on the order of 2 or 3 times a second, and 23+ gs. It was also recoverable. I also was unable to repeat the behavior by prolonged rolling TRYING to make it depart. I know what the manual says. I'm asking if the specific behavior is correct, as I would expect the plane to disintegrate and/or the pilot to die or at least instantly black out. None of those things happened.


It's not a prohibited maneuver because the aircraft will disintegrate. It's prohibited because it CAN lead to a departure from controlled flight which may or may not be recoverable. Since the harriers are on the deck a great deal any departure could lead to death pretty quickly.


You guys still don't seem to be understanding my question. I'm not asking if the departure is realistic. In general, departures are, and yes I understand about prohibited maneuvers.


I am asking: is a 23g all axis tumble realistic? Especially without blacking out or killing the pilot, or damaging the airframe? It was rotating on various axis at extremely high speed.


In other words, I'm trying to determine whether it's a bug. Not that it departed and became uncontrollable, but the manner in which it did so.

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2


That's what I was thinking. Not as extreme, but still not right. I would expect such behavior to be unrealistic, it certainly looked like FM physics wigging out. Even if it is within the realm of possibility, the airframe should have been damaged, or at least it should have been irrecoverable due to instant blackout. I was trying to find out if other people were encountering it, whether it's repeatable, etc, or if it was just a one off moment of insanity

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5800x3d * 3090 * 64gb * Reverb G2

You guys still don't seem to be understanding my question. I'm not asking if the departure is realistic. In general, departures are, and yes I understand about prohibited maneuvers.


I am asking: is a 23g all axis tumble realistic? Especially without blacking out or killing the pilot, or damaging the airframe? It was rotating on various axis at extremely high speed.


In other words, I'm trying to determine whether it's a bug. Not that it departed and became uncontrollable, but the manner in which it did so.


Sorry for misunderstanding you. It's possible that the departure itself isn't quite realistic, but my guess is that it might be related to the damage model not being finished.

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