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General Idea of a release date?


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Oh well...


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, don’t get too caught up in the hype. Until we get an exact confirmed release date then don’t expect it anytime soon. It’s the only way not to end up dissapointed when imaginary release dates come and go. I’m sure it’ll be worth it :D

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I think that they just have to make the decision to put it out there before xmas. We know the -14 won't be finished for a long time to come, but the module is very playable at the moment as we've seen in the livestream. To me it looked to be already way above some other initial releases by other developers.

So take the decision and go for the early release!


One thing that worries me is that we haven't really seen any carrier landings or the RIO station at the moment. That and the lack of instructional video's lead me to believe that a release is still a ways off.


Totally agree!!


As the PR version has now been released to selected Youtubers, I can’t see why an Early Access

Version cannot be released to everyone that pre purchased the F-14 nearly three months ago instead of waiting till the end of Winter.


Take the decision and actually go for an early release rather than a late release!!

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They are still using WIP placeholder sounds. That's obviously a dealbreaker for a product that has already been hyped into oblivion. The expectations are very, very high after everything they have showed us with the development previews and the release roadmap.


Heatblur only has one chance for a good first impression on such an important product for DCS as a whole and they want to make it count. They've made it clear that it is very important to them and I respect that.

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They are still using WIP placeholder sounds. That's obviously a dealbreaker for a product that has already been hyped into oblivion.


And RAZBAM did the same thing with the Harrier by using Mirage sounds like a placeholder. What, you think they're going to re-invent sounds rather than borrow some from the only 1st module they have released? That sounds like a silly thought to me.

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