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Could someone help with this graphic issue pls

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hi, i am seeing this issue all the time ( not the me getting blown out of the sky ;) ) and the same in Vr.

Any help will be welcomed




Win10 64, GeForce GTX1080 Ti, Rift touch, i5- 2.90GHz(o/c), 16gb Corsair Vengance RAM, X-56

KA-50-3, AH-64D, A10c II, AV-8B, MI-8, Spitfire, Viggen, FC3, F-14, F-15c,FA-18,  S/Carrier, CA, Nevada, Normandy 44, Channel,  Persian gulf, Marianas, Syria, Sth Atlantic, 


Finally, not Razbams fault... LOL.

New hotness: I7 9700k 4.8ghz, 32gb ddr4, 2080ti, :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, HP Reverb (formermly CV1)

Old-N-busted: i7 4720HQ ~3.5GHZ, +32GB DDR3 + Nvidia GTX980m (4GB VRAM) :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, Rift CV1 (yes really).


sorry chaps, re-posted


Win10 64, GeForce GTX1080 Ti, Rift touch, i5- 2.90GHz(o/c), 16gb Corsair Vengance RAM, X-56

KA-50-3, AH-64D, A10c II, AV-8B, MI-8, Spitfire, Viggen, FC3, F-14, F-15c,FA-18,  S/Carrier, CA, Nevada, Normandy 44, Channel,  Persian gulf, Marianas, Syria, Sth Atlantic, 

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