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So, it is my understanding that the DATALINK once employed correctly if you are in MASTER NES then you should be displayed as the L (Lead) ROLE in the GROUP LIST. And if you are in SLAVE NES then you should appear as W (Wingman) ROLE in the GROUP LIST. Currently, this is not how this is being displayed. MASTER is showing up as W and SLAVE is showing up as L. Another thing, is there seems to be an issue with AI AWACS and player controlled MASTER DATALINK where the SLAVE aircraft in the flight group get kicked off the Network because the AI and the MASTER player controlled are both conflicting with each other in the DATALINK GROUP LIST.



I hope I am understanding correctly of how this is supposed to work.




Video is linked and this was looked into with the help of ShadowFrost and his wingman (I'm sorry bud I forgot your pilot tag).



Keep up the good work Deka! I love this module more than any other at this moment!



Edited by uboats
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I want to reply to this with what I was seeing, it appeared that L was being set to airborne aircraft. While W was being set to aircraft that had landed or were parked.


Note- I was 02, and master at the end of the video. I think most of the issues were due to range of aircraft. But, even then L and W seemed to be set by whether the aircraft were airborne or not.

Edited by ShadowFrost
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Another thing i noticed is there wasn't any aircraft in our group list with the Asterisk (*) indicating they were the master datalink aircraft. But when I was on an empty group channel and i was in master mode, the asterisk appeared next to my own id. Also, how far ahead did your wingman land from you? he had the W designated to him on my end the whole time I had network connection with you guys through datalink. you can see in video around the 7:58 minute mark.

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Another thing i noticed is there wasn't any aircraft in our group list with the Asterisk (*) indicating they were the master datalink aircraft. But when I was on an empty group channel and i was in master mode, the asterisk appeared next to my own id. Also, how far ahead did your wingman land from you? he had the W designated to him on my end the whole time I had network connection with you guys through datalink. you can see in video around the 7:58 minute mark.


My aircraft had the Asterisk (*) in my menu.

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the SLAVE aircraft in the flight group get kicked off the Network


I'm also having the same issue, which seems to happen in MP only. The issue also gets worse the more I reconnect to the datalink(i could get kick out every~30sec), to a point where it bugs out and not showing any datalink info at all for like 10~20sec(pic attached). Then it will suddenly fix itself again.


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IIRC, in the D/L video the W/L designation is a hard coded assignment base on which plane is flight lead in the Mission Editor.


For example, Enfield 1-1 will always be L, and Enfield 1-2/3/4, will be labeled W, regardless of who is MAST of the D/L connection. The MAST unit of the D/L connection is indicated by the [*] next to the ID in the GROUP page.

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IIRC, in the D/L video the W/L designation is a hard coded assignment base on which plane is flight lead in the Mission Editor.


For example, Enfield 1-1 will always be L, and Enfield 1-2/3/4, will be labeled W, regardless of who is MAST of the D/L connection. The MAST unit of the D/L connection is indicated by the [*] next to the ID in the GROUP page.


Yeah it might be, but it still changes based on airborne or not which isn't correct. AFAIK

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