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[CHECKING] Radar behaves odd with B17s in mission


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I have a training / test map that has everything in it, including a formation of 4 B17s in a circle for gun practice for the WW2 stuff.



While flying the Hornet yesterday, I encountered some strange behavior of the radar. I was messing around with TWS / RWS, randomly trying to lock/bug targets while heading to an area where I have some ships to destroy and found that afterwards, every press of the undesignate button would lock back onto the formation, no matter if they were 180 degrees behind me.



I was able to recreate this in a simple test mission and the track also shows this strangeness. It seems to happen even after turning off the datalink, and also continues after landing while also messing with the NWS.



I started off with a group of Su-27s on the test but could not replicate it until I set it to B17s afterwards. Not sure if any other aircraft can cause this.



Also, I could not replicate this in further tests, but when I originally had this happen yesterday, it broke the radar completely after attempts to work out why it was tracking targets behind me.



Pushing the Bars button would only increase the amount of bars being scanned, as in I had 100+ Bars and it was taking minutes to scan before it would reset back to the top again according to the arrow on the right side of the radar (each sweep pushed it down very slowly).



Further, the radar azimuth in degrees was giving amounts of 22 degrees, 44 degrees etc, and then after wrapping around at something like over 200 degrees, would change the end unit to a different number, eg 24, 44 etc. Sadly I have not yet replicated this part of the oddness.



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NineLine, I have done some additional testing. It looks like it has nothing to do with B17's as such, but possibly how close a formation is flying together.



The original group of B17s I added in the test mission were in close WW2 bomber formation so I thought about testing this part out.




I replaced the B17s with Su27s and was able to replicate it in the close WW2 bomber formation. Selecting other formation options with them being spread further apart seemed to allow the lock to break several seconds after pressing the undesignate button, with them being out of radar view. All of the WW2 formations and the modern bomber formations seemed to cause the problem, as did close other formation types.

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