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TAC11 - waking up a reluctant Hammer ?


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Anyone have any tips for contacting the Hammer JTAC in this PO - he seems to be either AWOL or very reluctant to give me any trade in this mission...



Axeman is easy to contact (on FM 30.0) after destroying his targets my FE instructs me to contact Uzi (he answers on the tactical freq AM 124.0) he's not so eager...and very rarely responds to my first radio check-in...but that obviously wakes him as he usually offers some trade at my second time of asking! Hammer is a different kettle of fish - I know he's on AM 31.0 (but I have tried him on the Tac freq as well AM 124.0 just to make sure) but he doesn't respond at the first, second or third time of asking...that's after dealing with Uzi's targets and getting the appropriate instruction to check in with Hammer from my FE.



Any thoughts on rousing him?


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Was this on the latest OpenBeta (or which version as many folks have rolled back to 2.5.5)?


I seem to recall a thread where Easy Comms wasn't working with the JTACs.


Are you trying with Easy Comms enabled or disabled?


Easy Comms is a game menu item not something we can set in the mission.


We will retest and see if we can reproduce it.


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No, I don't have easy comms enabled in the game options (I guess it would kind of spoil the whole point of this training evolution lol) - I'm using the appropriate radios & frequencies as per instructions & briefing


I've stayed on stable 2.5.5 as people have been having so many problems with 2.5.6

Can't work out the problem with Hammer...Uzi releases me and the FE instructs me to check in with Hammer (who is on AM 31.0) but I can get no response from him even with multiple attempts.


I can't procede furtherr with the mission until I check in with Hammer and prosecute his targets...


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Please post a trk file and we can take a look.


If I recall the JTACs are on the 2nd radio (1st is for the airfield, UHF is for the flights and the 2nd is for the JTACs). Depending on how your controls are mapped make sure you are transmitting on the correct radio as well as frequency.


Turning on Easy Comms would show if you connect as the ones you cannot talk to are greyed out.


Having a trk would allow us to see what is happening.


You could also try a DCS Repair. Let us know if you get it sorted.


We will reply if we can reproduce it.


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