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Interesting article - future (RL) A-10C upgrades


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This article recently popped up on my newsfeed - it includes some interesting (at least to my not-so-knowledgeable self!) nuggets on current real-life A-10C capabilities not yet modelled in DCS, and planned future upgrades.


Regarding multi-target engagements, Suite 9 apparently "introduced the first phase of engaging multiple targets with precision-guided munitions. It allowed six weapons to be dropped with a single 'pickle button' press.


The aircraft can send weapons to different targets with one button push on one pass, whereas before it took a lot of pilot workload. A-10 pilots can employ 500-pound-class GBU-38 or 54 or 2,000-pound class GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Muntions (JDAM) and the aircraft will inform the pilot if they can all hit their intended targets on a single run



Suite 10 will include “multiple target list improvements” that will enable the pilot to engage multiple targets with three different weapon types on one pass."


Here's hoping these features make it into DCS someday! On the other hand, maybe they'd turn the A-10 into an unstoppable, Ace-Combat-style death machine and life would be too easy :huh:





The A-10 Warthog Is Preparing For Its Biggest Upgrade In Over A Decade

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