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Another noob question...

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Okay, I don't have a TrackIR, so I use my hat and the slider on my throttle to zoom. My question is, when zoomed in all the way, the panning slows down...where can I change it so the panning speed is the same at normal zoom levels?


I edited the view.cfg, and the view.lua. When I start the sim (when it says press 's' to start) the new settings work. But when I un-pause, it goes back to the way it was. It does the same for the CameraTerrainRestriction variable.


I've tried making the file read-only, but that didn't take either.


Any ideas?

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Just a thought .. try using the mouse in your left hand to look around. I've been doing it that way for years and it's just like moving your head. Just plant your left wrist on the mouse pad and move the mouse left, right up down etc with out lifting your wrist off of the pad. It works great and only takes a few minutes to get use to it. :)



Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.


CDDS Tutorial Version 3. | Main Screen Mods.

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Well, I've got my left hand on the throttle. The X52 does have a mini-mouse, but it doesn't work well IMHO. Using the hat works well for me, it's just the panning is really slow when I'm zoomed in. I can always zoom out again, so it's not that big of a deal.


Thanks for the help, guys!

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