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[W.I.P]SPI Logic, making Cursor Zero's use pretty much useless (and some other things)

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First part of the bug report:

In the Open Beta version of DCS (, the steerpoint/SPI logic is completely messed up, especially for the CCRP-type modes (CCRP, EO-PREplanned (PRE Submode for AGM-65s) and LADD -something not implemented yet-). I will use the CCRP submode for example, but the behavior is exactly the same for the PRE Submode for the AGM-65.


When entering A-G mode (CCRP), the HUD symbology is incorrect as the Steerpoint Diamond is being shown, while the steerpoint diamond should always be occluded in the CCRP mode (aswell as EO-PREplanned and LADD) as the steerpoint will be coincident with the TD Box (square with dot in it). The steerpoint is being slewed with the SPI which is correctly modelled right now, I have tested it and the AP will follow the TD Box/SPI and not the Steerpoint diamond, so this is only incorrect HUD Symbology. But now it gets a little funky, when going back to NAV mode without pressing Cursor Zero (in the A-G CCRP mode) the steerpoint location will not get updated, while it should be "updated" to where the slew difference was made in the A-G CCRP mode, this is also backed up with the steerpoint diamond still being on the original location and the AP flying towards the original steerpoint. However when re-entering the A-G CCRP mode, the TD Box will be at the location it last was (when not being Cursor Zero'd), this is very weird and it's not modelled correctly, there is basically no need to use Cursor Zero as the use of Cursor Zero was to revert the Steerpoint location to it's "orginal" location, which with the current SPI logic it does automatically without using Cursor Zero. Cursor Zero now only reverts the slew difference made in the selected master mode.

I will link a track file also showing what I meant here above.

How the SPI logic should act is the following: When making a slew difference in any CCRP-type A-G mode (CCRP, EO-PREplanned and LADD) and NOT pressing Cursor Zero before going back into the NAV mode, the slew difference you made will be applied to all steerpoints in your flight plan (I am not 100% sure if it is actually ALL or if it's just steerpoint 1-25), and the steerpoint diamond on the HUD will be on the "slewed" location and not the original one. If you do press Cursor Zero nothing will change with the steerpoints.

In the HAF -34 manual, PDF Page 199 (Section 1-183), Figure 1-116 you can see that in the CCRP, EO-PREplanned and LADD modes the steerpoint diamond will be coincident with the TD Box and therefore the steerpoint diamond will be occluded. Even though this is an HAF manual, I doubt it will be any different for the USAF F-16s, as this is the "base" software.

Second part of the bug report:

Also, in the VIS Submode for the AGM-65, the steerpoint(/diamond) seems to be classed as "SPI" in the code before the TD Box gets ground stabilized, this is seen because of the TLL(Target Locator Line) from the HUD Boresight cross "pointing" to the steerpoint(/diamond) before the TD Box gets "designated"/ground stabilized.

Here are some pictures of the above^
Digital Combat Simulator 20_12_2020 14_19_36_LI.jpg

Before the TD Box gets "designated"/ground stabilized^

Digital Combat Simulator 20_12_2020 14_20_26_LI.jpg

After the TD Box gets "designated"/ground stabilized^


It is weird because I am pretty sure the TD Box would always be SPI even before getting ground stabilized, because the TD Box (would) gets FCR AGR'd.

Anyways, I hope this was understandable at least, sorry for the wall of text...


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  • ED Team



the team have checked and it seems to be working as intended. 


Can we ask you to make a full cleanup and repair and attach your dcs log if you still have issues. 




Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

  • BIGNEWY changed the title to [CAN NOT REPRODUCE]SPI Logic, making Cursor Zero's use pretty much useless (and some other things)
On 12/20/2020 at 8:27 PM, BIGNEWY said:



the team have checked and it seems to be working as intended. 


Can we ask you to make a full cleanup and repair and attach your dcs log if you still have issues. 



I have done a cleanup and repair, and the exact same thing is happening. I don't think it's because it's a bug, I think it's incorrect SPI Logic.

In DCS currently when making a slew difference in CCRP or EO-PREplanned and changing master mode to NAV (without pressing Cursor Zero on OSB 9) the slew differences aren't applied to all the steerpoints, or any steerpoint... in the MLU-M1 Manual I have gathered more info that it should do that, quoting this:



Once the cursors have been slewed, the system remembers the slews and applies them to the cursor position when aiming at subsequent steerpoints.

This is from the MLU-M1 manual, PDF Page 164 (154 in the actual manual). It literally states what I said in the bug report/right here. Even though we don't have a greek F-16CJ Block 50 or a F-16AM MLU, I have no doubt there would be such big (and confusing) differences in the SPI Logic.

Now for the second part:

About the steerpoint being classed as SPI in the VIS Submode for the mavericks, figure 1-290 in the HAF -34 manual (PDF Page 459, section 1-443), you can see that the steerpoint IS NOT visible on the HUD, and there is no TLL going to the Steerpoint. As I said earlier I am pretty sure this is because the steerpoint is being classed as SPI / Target, but I don't know as I don't see the internal code. You can also see in the figure that the steering circle thingy (the circle with dash above it navigating you to the selected steerpoint) is shown on the HUD, in DCS that's not shown... again because I am pretty sure the steerpoint is getting classed as SPI / Target...

I have linked 2 different track files, the one named SPI_LOGIC_2 is the one about the whole CCRP and EO-PREplanned (PRE Submode for Maverick) thing while the second one named VIS_STEERPOINT one is about the second part in this reply.

Once again, check HAF -34 manual, PDF Page 199 (Section 1-183), Figure 1-116. It says all things about all different A-G modes... I will quote another thing about it:



*The diamond and TD box will be coincident and therefore the diamond will be occluded

If you look at the figure, the EO-PREplanned, CCRP and LADD modes all have the * before the Steerpoint, this is in DCS possibly incorrect HUD symbology, because it still shows, but it does bring the actual steerpoint with the TD Box which is weird (this behavior is shown in both of the SPI_LOGIC track files)

Sorry for posting such a big reply, just trying to give as much info as I possibly can.


  • BIGNEWY changed the title to [W.I.P]SPI Logic, making Cursor Zero's use pretty much useless (and some other things)
  • 8 months later...

Finnishing/fixing the TGP would bring Viper really to life. TGP is really messed up now. 

Gigabyte Z390 Gaming X | i7 9700K@5.0GHz | Asus TUF OC RTX 4090 | 32GB DDR4@3200MHz | HP Reverb G2 | TrackIR 5 | TM Warthog HOTAS | MFG Croswinds

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