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New AIM-120B?


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Yeah. They're the same missile - LOMAC actually uses the B.


The difference between the B and the C is that the C has clipped fins so that it can fit in the F-22 bay. That's it. The rest is all identical.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Not entirely. While the initial AIM-120C1 retained much of the components of the AIM-120B (the only difference probably being updated software), later versions of the C incorporate a number of improvements in its avionics that make the missile more resistant to ECCM as well as more efficient at killing aggressively dodging targets (I guess that means targets that are well aware of the missile's launch and is doing everything short of hiking up its skirt and running away from the incoming missile, like in the no-escape zone).


The current version, the AIM-120C5, features a miniturization of the electronics section, allowing a small, 125 mm increase in internal space to make provisions for a new rocket motor, although I'm pretty sure that this is not being used at the moment. The main reason for this I think is that the AIM-120C7, dubbed by some sources as the AIM-120D, is well advanced in development and features (among other things) an entirely new motor based on Raytheon's experience in the European BVRAAM competition - i.e. FMRAAM and ERAAM.


Thus, the correct answer is, no, the AIM-120C and the AIM-120B are not identical.

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AIM-120B, Rb 99


The AIM-120B missile was the result of the two block AMRAAM Producibility Enhancement Program. The B-model incorporates a new digital processor, erasable programmable read only memory, and five major electronic unit hardware chassis upgrades. The Swedish AIM-120B's, carried by the 'Gripen', are designated as Rb 99.



The AIM-120C will include a redesigned warhead and improvements to the rocket motor, fuzing logic, guidance algorithms, and ECCM logic. Modified for internal carriage on the F-22, the AIM-120C will have "clipped wings" to reduce its box size from 17.4 to 12.5 inches.


From http://www.f-16.net

GROM- Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno Manewrowego

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