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Controls suddenly not working

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Hi guys, long time listener first time caller.

Ive had DCS a few months now and have a Thrustmaster T16000 with throttle and been using the F14 module. Everything has worked perfect since set up and got my controls all set up nicely.


I bought the F18 module 2 days ago and set up the controls for that and ran perfect on the first run, however.......

After the first run a lot of my controls are not working. The key or axis is mapped and when I move the axis or press the button on the setting page it responds confirming its connected, but in game there is no response from the axis or button. There is also weird bug with certain buttons, example the Gear up button on the throttle says its working in the settings screen but in game this button resets the view???  There is no other task assigned to the gear up button!


Also now a lot of the keys I mapped for the F14 are not responding even though Ive made no change under that, once again the gear up button being an example.


I have tried deleting the controls and starting again but not joy. I have tried 'Sim' and 'easy' flight modes controls and options but no joy.


I have plugged everything out and in again, there is no PS4 or Xbox controller installed and nothing else has changed with my set up since I first installed DCS other then getting the F18 module.


Anyone have any idea if ive missed something?



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Hi @major.pain.ie. I think I know what's happening to you. The reason you didn't had the issue with the F-14 is that this aircraft has no "Game" mode. The F/A-18C has one.


Game  (a.k.a. easy) mode is an "arcade" mode allowing a user to start using DCS without much difficulty: less controls to remember, less complicated systems to shoot at something...

Sim mode is the "normal" mode.


Aircraft offering "Game" mode have two controls categories. See:




There are two possible causes to your issue:

  • you have set your controls in the wrong category (ie. you play "Sim" but you've mapped your controls in "Game"),
  • you have ticked the "Game Avionics Mode" option.


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