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About Flappie

  • Birthday 01/01/1982

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  1. Hey. Windows error code 5 is "Access denied". Try and add the "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\" folder as an exception in your antivirus software. If you have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on your PC, also add this folder as an exception.
  2. Hi. I cannot reproduce your issue. I ran your track in Release, and the AGM-88 hits the Hawk unit, as planned.
  3. Many thanks. I get it: your track has only infantry units defending the FARP, and a civilian bus. Mine has an armored vehicle. Apparently, DCS considers that "simple" infantry units cannot defend a FARP alone against a vehicle. It looks like a feature, yet a dozen RPG soldiers could defend the FARP alone in this case. CaptureFARP_noissue.trk
  4. Sorry, I cannot load the mission because of the UH-60L mod that I don't have.
  5. You are right. It seems they come for free even when the warehouse weapons are not unlimited. I'll make a request to devs.
  6. I cannot reproduce your issue. Please attach a short DCS track. farp turns neutral.trk
  7. Thanks for your feedback. The launcher should be fixed with the next update.
  8. This may be caused by the new launcher. Try this: In DCS Misc options : uncheck "Launcher on start". In DCS Gameplay options : check "Hide control stick". Click OK, then restart DCS.
  9. The score system issue is reported (global score is OK, but detailed score is not).
  10. Yes, this is a DCS ST bug, and it's reported. If he uses MT, he shouldn't have any issue with the mirrors.
  11. It's just been fixed internally. The fix should be part of the next update.
  12. Please attach your dcs.log (from Saved Games/DCS.../Logs) and your options.lua (from Saved Games/DCS.../Config).
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