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Posted (edited)

FYI, your cockpit screenshot bottom left shows full controller input, not full deflection.
The red cross down the bottom left just shows that your joystick is pushed fully over. It does NOT mean that the joystick in the aircraft is pushed full over, or that the ailerons have reached full deflection.

Edited by philstyle

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  • ED Team
19 hours ago, GUMAR said:

In DCS, Spitfire IX
Full aileron deflection at 185.
In NACA report Spitfire Va
Full aileron deflection at 130 maximum.


Do mk.V and Mk.IX have any difference in wing/ailerons form? I couldnt find.

Lower force used in this report. WE operate with standard 50 lb that was used in 868 report.


Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

  • 2 weeks later...


On 4/12/2021 at 6:56 PM, philstyle said:

FYI, your cockpit screenshot bottom left shows full controller input, not full deflection.
The red cross down the bottom left just shows that your joystick is pushed fully over. It does NOT mean that the joystick in the aircraft is pushed full over, or that the ailerons have reached full deflection.


Nope, its not. It is virtual stick position. Check it on high speed with jouystick full deflection.

On 4/12/2021 at 7:24 PM, Yo-Yo said:

Lower force used in this report. WE operate with standard 50 lb that was used in 868 report.


Thx, I will try to study it. 


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