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Infantry Units crash to desktop


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When trying to place Infantry M249, Infantry M4 or Infantry Soldier JTAC in editor DCS crashes, or when trying to load a mission containing those units.

Note that I haven't tested vanilla infantry units for Russia e.t.c.


For whatever reason this message comes up when loading a mission as described above.


Shader "bazar/shaders/model/fake_omni_lights2.fx" failed to compile. Reason: warning x4717: Effects deprecated for D3DCompiler_47 D:\DCS World\bazar\shaders\model\fake_omni_lights2.fx(66, 13-91): error x3017: 'calculate_position': cannot convert output parameter from 'float' to 'float3

PC: Good enough for running DCS flawlessly on high end settings :thumbup:



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Paratrooper RPG and Paratrooper AKS = same issue.

Edited by NoFear1979

PC: Good enough for running DCS flawlessly on high end settings :thumbup:



Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas

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Full repair fixed the problem.

However I haven't been able to pinpoint the reason behind the problem unfortunately.

PC: Good enough for running DCS flawlessly on high end settings :thumbup:



Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas

Slaw Device Rudder Pedals

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  • ED Team

thanks for letting me know I was just looking at this and could not reproduce. 


Maybe a unofficial mod?


Anyway glad you are not crashing now.



Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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On 5/4/2021 at 11:59 AM, BIGNEWY said:

thanks for letting me know I was just looking at this and could not reproduce. 


Maybe a unofficial mod?


Anyway glad you are not crashing now.



Anytime BigNewy!

I have done some research FYI.


Prior to DCS 2.7 I have used specific objects from third party mods which in DCS 2.7 is not compatible at all due to the no longer supported OS windows 7.


How it worked before as a work around was to add additional files with a specific name due to a missing file using specific mod and object in it.


It is those files that caused a problem in relation with DCS 2.7.

So in conclusion, DCS 2.7 software was not the problem. It was using a mod object and specific files for it based on windows 7 support that caused it.

Since those files however replaced original (backed up of course), is what caused DCS 2.7 to crash. Hence why the repair fixed the problem.


Why telling this? Simply to clarify that DCS 2.7 was not the root of the problem 🙂

(On second notice I was able to go into the mission file and remove the objects manually be removing some of the code using Notepad++) -> Removed Civ Spot Lights White since they are no longer compliant with DCS 2.7. Source: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3315880/

Edited by NoFear1979
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PC: Good enough for running DCS flawlessly on high end settings :thumbup:



Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas

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