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Georgian hammer. cant get past first mission.

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..... soooooo I played the GH mission a while a go with the Old A10. i am playing again with the tank killer....and I can't get past the first mission. Color me a little fuzzy on it. But I don't remember there being SAMS at WPT4.... unless I a, missing something ?

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Always been SAMs around, even in the original. Maybe you didn't fly ino the SAM's envelope before. You can load up the TGP, chaff and flares and a couple of MAVs before you leave and take them out then continue with the mission.  I started the campaign again today and forgot the MAVs so took the launchers out with the gun at extreme range. Saw the trail, jinked to force it to overshoot and incidentally get out of the smoke obscuring the launch vehicle and a quick BRRRRT. I learned on the range yesterday that if you can see the target and can put the pipper on it you can kill it from a long way off.


Edited by Lee1
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