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Graphics settings

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Hi guys,

I would like to ask you guys to recommend me graphics.cfg for my new hardware.

Thank you in advanced.

Steel Hotas Warthog + Hoffmans F16 rudders, Oculus Rift S, EVGA RTX3090, Core i7 4790K

Hangar: Ka50, A10C, A10A, A10CII, SU27, SU33, SU25, Av8BNA, Bf109K4, F16C, F86, FA18C, FW190D9, i-16, L39C, Mi8, MiG15, MiG19P, MiG21, P51D, Spitfire, SuperCarrier, Yak52, P47, F14, Mi24P, Me262?


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Max everything and if you have problems drop the usual suspects one setting at a time until you hit the sweet spot.


I would recomend a 30 fps limit put into the cfg file as anything higher isn't giving you any real advantage.


I can't see why you can't be running it at all at full pelt apart from maybe waters or shadows.






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Max everything and if you have problems drop the usual suspects one setting at a time until you hit the sweet spot.


I would recomend a 30 fps limit put into the cfg file as anything higher isn't giving you any real advantage.


I can't see why you can't be running it at all at full pelt apart from maybe waters or shadows.





How do I limit my framerate? I thought having more fps means that the game will be smoother so why put a limit on it.

Edited by Senti
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MaxFPS = 30;


Put that in your graphics.cfg, I put it right at the bottom but I don't think it makes a difference where it is, as long as it's not inside something else.


It is a rule of thumb that higher frame rates = better game play, but you could also argue that more stable frame rates, or frame rates that don't change that much give a much smoother appearance and "better" experience.


30 FPS on a game like FC is plenty high enough, your usually aiming 60+ for an fps, but this is a much slower and less precise kind of game so 30 is fine.


Usually putting in an FPS limit in a game stops the game running away with the FPS (ie rendering frames, thus using up processing power) that you don't want it to. Basically limiting your FPS means less work for your GPU/CPU and thus it's more able to do something if something happens for instance an explosion, and it's more able to process 30 frames per second without it dropping any of those frames and giving a jerky look.


When playing FC in the open, ie high up over land somewhere, your capabale of getting FPS well into the hundreds, but over a city near the sea your going to be getting sub 30 fps, probably sub 15 if your running everything on max and your PC isn't brand new.


So limiting the FPS stops the drastic changes in FPS from say 300 to 15, to be 30 to 15. As you can see that is a much smaller difference in FPS and thus makes the lowes less noticable.






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MaxFPS = 30;


Put that in your graphics.cfg, I put it right at the bottom but I don't think it makes a difference where it is, as long as it's not inside something else.


It is a rule of thumb that higher frame rates = better game play, but you could also argue that more stable frame rates, or frame rates that don't change that much give a much smoother appearance and "better" experience.


30 FPS on a game like FC is plenty high enough, your usually aiming 60+ for an fps, but this is a much slower and less precise kind of game so 30 is fine.


Usually putting in an FPS limit in a game stops the game running away with the FPS (ie rendering frames, thus using up processing power) that you don't want it to. Basically limiting your FPS means less work for your GPU/CPU and thus it's more able to do something if something happens for instance an explosion, and it's more able to process 30 frames per second without it dropping any of those frames and giving a jerky look.


When playing FC in the open, ie high up over land somewhere, your capabale of getting FPS well into the hundreds, but over a city near the sea your going to be getting sub 30 fps, probably sub 15 if your running everything on max and your PC isn't brand new.


So limiting the FPS stops the drastic changes in FPS from say 300 to 15, to be 30 to 15. As you can see that is a much smaller difference in FPS and thus makes the lowes less noticable.





Hi Paul,


Thanks for the reply and the info. I will try your suggestions and see how it works. :)

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