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Pushback (Caucasus) - Integrated Warfare (multi-module, multi player)

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Integrated Warfare: Pushback (Caucasus)

Current version: 20220917

Download: Click here 


Discussion: Please add your comments below in this thread

IW:P is a single/multi-player dynamic mission where you fly multiple plane *types* in support of an AI-controlled ground attack that tries to capture a string of strategic locations. Ground forces deploy and spawn dynamically, based on rules that are influenced by the current tactical situation. A successful 2-player mission usually requires that at least one (usually more) of the players fly two or more different airframes (rotor- and/or fixed-wing) before the mission is a success.

Main Features

  • Dynamic theater (AI-spawned and controlled ground offensive)
  • Fixed and Rotor Wing
  • Limited number of pilots (lose all, lose the mission), automatic CSAR to rescue downed pilots and replenish pilot pool
  • Troop transport (JTAC for auto-lasing, Assault to capture/hold locations) 
  • Multiple planes per player during same play-through, all planes start hot
  • Single and Multiplayer (1-3, CoOp)
  • ability to save and continue later (requires de-sanitizing DCS)

A fast 2 player (win) takes some 120 minutes. Average play-through (win) is about 150 minutes with 2 players. Unchecked, RED AI overruns BLUE in some 80 minutes.


  • Caucasus Map (free with DCS)
  • At least two of the recommended modules (see below)

Number of recommended players: 2-4. 
You currently play as BLUEFORCE only. A single-player win is barely possible, provided that you can fly the required modules (a troop helicopter, a fighter and ground attack plane) well enough, and that you can devise a strategy that responds best to the tactical challenge. Winning the scenario alone with Pilot Pool Limit turned on is near impossible. Three players can win the scenario comfortably in 90 minutes.  

A new approach to flying missions:
This is the first in my series of 'integrated warfare' missions (others like "Persia", "Cyprus" and "Catch'n'Keep" are available, with more to come later) . IW works markedly different from classic missions you may have flown: your role isn't that of one individual - here you represent multiple pilots flying multiple aircraft, and you are expected to switch airframes while the scenario is running. What drives the mission and decides the outcome depends as much on which and when you choose an aircraft, as it depends on how well you can fly that aircraft - with the caveat that both must be good in order to win.

To manage complexity, this scenario emphasizes accessibility/playability over adherence to real-world mission profiles: the active area is tiny, bordering on claustrophobic. 

Key to winning this scenario is to respond to the tactical situation and choose the right airframe at the right time to support the ground push where and when it matters. 

Modules STRONGLY RECOMMENDED you know how to fly  
In order to have a realistic chance of winning this scenario, your group members should have access to at least one module named in each of the following categories: 

  • Huey, Hip or Hind for troop transport (optional)
  • F5E, F-15, FA-18 or F-16 for CAP
  • FA-18 or F-16 (or Ka-50 if your are good) for SEAD
  • A-10A or A-10C II, Su-25, Su-25T, AV-8B, F5E, Ka-50, AH-65, SA-342 or Hind for CAS

A minimal good aircraft mix consists of:
Huey, A-10 (any), F/A-18 (as long as all types are covered between the players)

Absolute minimum (very difficult):
A-10 (any), F-16 OR FA-18

You can win this mission without a Troop Helicopter, but you lose the ability to quickly take named locations, deploy lasing troops nor will you be able to recover ejected pilots to replenish your ranks.

On the map, marked out on the F-10 Map view, there are eight (8) Named Locations: Millstone, The Bend, Old Depot, Straight & Narrows, Wolf Crossing, Highroad, Bride's Bridge and Greenfield. In order to win, BLUEFORCE must capture all locations.

At the beginning of the scenario, Blue and Red each occupy one Named Location, the one closest to their respective airfield/FARP. 



Tactical Overview
The F10 map always shows the current tactical situation. Strategic (Named) locations are shown and are colored by their owner. You can enable names to better familiarize yourself with the locations.

Fog of War is in effect, so enemy units appear only when they are visible to friendly units.

Your Task:
You are tasked with supporting the AI-led ground offensive to capture all eight named locations (you do not have to capture Krymsk to win). You are the only blue aircraft in the arena, so choose wisely which air frame to occupy at which time. You are expected to change airframes multiple times, and in accordance with the situation and airframe change rules (see 'Changing Airframes' in the section about limited amount of pilots, below). You can start by trying to rapidly expand operation by using helicopters to airlift troops to unoccupied zones - but beware of enemy aircraft. You can start with asserting air superiority with your fighters - but may then lose the ground war while doing so. Note that during the last stages, transporting troops can become a convenient (and risky) way to more quickly win the scenario. 

Capturing Named Locations 
To capture a named location, your troops must be the only coalition troops inside the circle marked on the map (note: for clearer visual identification, each named location has a neutral armed watchtower placed in the middle). Only ground forces can capture a location. Airlifted infantry can capture named locations and they do not have to remain on-location until they are relieved by other troops. Just remember that it only takes a second for an un-defended location to be captured by the opposition should they be able to place a single ground unit inside the circle.

Production of ground troops
A captured location automatically starts production of ground troops. This is fully automated and does not require any player interaction.

  • Once a Location has been captured, it produces its own set of defenders.
  • Once defenders have been produced, production is switched over to attackers.
  • Attackers automatically head for the closest non-friendly named location. If your side conquers that location while units are enroute to it, they automatically re-route to the next un-owned location automatically.

Be advised that not all locations always produce the same units (configurable in ME), and that Red and Blue produce different units. 

Special Production Rules:
When any of a location's defensive units are destroyed, that location will immediately switch to repair mode, and produce new defensive units until it's back at full defensive capability. Keep this in mind when planning your attack and while softening up a location: defensive units will always re-deploy before attacking units are produced, creating a break in the stream of attacking units heading your way. 

Airlifting Troops (Infantry)
Airlifted troops can be used to capture Named Locations, and some can lase targets. The Hip, Huey and Hind can pick up, transport and place infantry anywhere on the map. For this, use Communication -> "F-10 Other..." -> "Airlift Troops" (only available in helicopters that can transport troops). 


At blue's FARP the AI produces different ground troops: "Marines" (a four-member rifle squad with laser target designator), and "Assault" (a six-member mixed rifle, machine gun, Stinger and RPG team). These troops can be picked up and then deployed anywhere. After you pick up a team from your FARP, the AI produces new teams (with different production times from Marines and Assault). After you deploy a team from your helicopter, it can be picked up again by any troop transport capable helicopter that lands close enough.

Assault / Marines (Lasing)
Assault troops automatically seek out and attack enemy troops that get in range; their best use, however, is to capture and guard the access to Named Locations. Marines do not move except to defend, and are permanently on the look-out for enemy ground vehicles to laser-designate. Line of sight is required for lasing, so place them on a hilltop for maximum effect. They'll report when they designate targets, and you can request a report any time from Communication -> "F-10 Other..." -> "JTAC Lasing Report", which (for simplicity) will give you the position of all currently deployed JTAC designator teams, as well as your range and bearing to their lased targets (i.e. they vector you to their lased target). 

All laser designators currently use 1688 as code; all lasing is automated. For simplicity, IW: Caucasus does not follow the JTAC nine-line protocol; the AI simply lazes targets that it wants pilots to destroy, and your laser munitions simply pick up the designator.

To deploy any troops that you are transporting, you must land your helicopter and command your troops to deploy (or load into your helicopter). A preference controlled in the F-10 menu allows you to auto-deploy troops on landing, and auto-load the nearest troops in range on landing.

Once deployed, any infantry group can be picked up again by landing close to it.

Losing Pilots, Changing Airframes & CSAR
Optional (default: ON) rules are in effect to strengthen the importance of helicopters: Pilot Pool and automatic CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue). There is a limit on the number of pilots your side can lose (NOTE: does not apply to REDFORCE/AI). This limit is currently set at 6 (six). If your side loses all their pilots, you lose the engagement.

Losing a Pilot
You lose a pilot whenever one of the following happens:

  • player is killed
  • player crashes aircraft and dies inside it
  • player ejects (this pilot can be rescued, see below)
  • player ditches aircraft (i.e. switches to another plane) while not landed on own airfield, FARP or carrier (this pilot can be rescued, see below)

Changing Airframes without Pilot Loss
You WON'T lose a pilot when players switch their airplane/helicopter while landed on own airfield, FARP or carrier. 

'Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing' applies: while landed on your airfield, FARP or carrier, the condition ("health") of that plane is irrelevant, as long as you (the pilot) are alive and you are still inside the cockpit. So even if all that remains of your plane is twisted smoking wreckage, you can change into a brand-spanking new one without losing a pilot. If you, on the other hand, eject during landing or take-off, that pilot is lost (but can be rescued with a CSAR, see below).

CSAR Missions: Rescuing Pilots
Whenever players eject from, or ditch their aircraft, a CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) mission is created for that pilot. Any player can then fly a troop transport helicopter (Huey, Hind or Hip) and rescue the downed pilot. They then bring the rescued crew back to a friendly drop-off zone (airfield, carrier, or FARP). Successful rescues replenish the pilot pool

Note that not all ejections are safe:

  • ejecting over water kills the pilot outright
  • pilots may touch down in difficult terrain and require a hover rescue (much more difficult than a landing)

To rescue a downed pilot, use their ELT signal to home in on their location. The CSAR Report, available under Communication --> F10-Other..., lists all currently downed pilots and the frequencies of their ELT. 

Once you are close enough to the downed pilot, land and you automatically pick up the pilot. If you can't land due to inaccessible terrain, hover directly over the evacuee, and your crew will attempt a winch rescue. This requires that you hover in range for approximately 20 seconds. You'll see a count-down come up. Once it reaches zero, the evacuee is safely hooked and is winced aboard. 

Once the downed pilot is securely on board, return and land the helicopter on your Carrier, Airfield or FARP. As soon as you land, you will be credited with the number of pilots you rescued (i.e. they will be added to your pool of available pilots)

Note that CSAR Missions are dangerous due to their potentially high reward, and the helicopter skills required. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before embarking on one. Be advised that  

  • Pilots can (and usually will) be killed if they are spotted by enemy troops. 
  • When under fire, pilots may advise you that the LZ is hot

It is possible (and risky) to pick up multiple pilots on a single flight. Remember that each evacuee adds to internal weight, so be sure to watch your weight and balance.

To maximize survivability for your pilots, make sure you start your CSAR soon.

Additional Notes
If you are shot down during CSAR, and survive the landing (or ditch your helicopter) while carrying rescued crew, any rescued personnel plus your helicopter pilot will again be available as new CSAR missions.

What happens when I run out of pilots?
From the scenario's perspective, you have lost, and a message to that effect will appear to everyone. You can continue playing, and every time you enter a new plane, you will get an unmistakable notice that the scenario thinks you are cheating. But that's all, so you can continue to practice. 

Enabling / Disabling Pilot Pool Limit
Pilot limits is a difficulty setting. Default is ENABLED. You can enable / disable it any time using the "F10 Other" menu. Whenever you change that setting, all players receive an explicit notice to the new status. Re-enabling it will not reset your side's pilot count, but simply continue from the point when you disabled it

Simplified Rules in Effect:

  • There are no restrictions on weapons and fuel that can be ordered at player airfields/FARP.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of planes available for player re-spawning
  • All air units spawn hot at parking
  • All ground troop production and tasking is handled by (a very limited) AI
  • Easy communications are enabled
  • JTACs laze targets at their discretion, and provide highly accurate vectoring information to any calling station
  • CSAR Missions dynamically provide bearing and range in addition to ADF 


Modules supported

  • F/A-18 (default loadout: SEAD / CAP + Laser CAS) - Carrier Based
  • F-16 (default loadout: SEAD + CAP)
  • F-15 (default loadout: CAP)
  • F-14B (default loadout: Fighter Sweep) - Carrier based
  • F-5E (default loadout: Laser CAS)
  • A-10A (default loadout: CAS with IR MAV)
  • A-10C II (default loadout: CAS, Laser APKWS and Mavs)
  • Su-25 (default loadout: CAS)
  • Su-25T (default loadout: CAS)
  • AV-8B (default loadout: VTOL CAS IR Mav + VTOL CAS Laser APKWS) - FARP Based
  • SA-342 (default loadout: HOTx4)  - FARP Based
  • UH-1 (default loadout: gunship)  - FARP Based
  • Ka-50 (default loadout: CAS)  - FARP Based
  • Mi-8 (default loadout: CAS)  - FARP Based
  • AH-64 (default loadout: CAS) - FARP Based
  • Mi-24 (default loadout: CAS) - FARP Based


A note on the über A-10C II
Combining strategically placed, air-dropped JTAC marines in combinations with APKWS-equipped A-10C IIs can make short work of the entire scenario, so you may want to consider not using APKWS in the C-Hog to increase difficulty, or mix in MBT with RED's attackers. 



Have fun,



Edited by cfrag
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New Version: 1.2 (please use download link in OP)


Major new Features (summary):

  • New OPTIONAL Pilot Pool feature that limits the number of pilots you can lose before you lose the entire scenario. Pilots can be rescued. This feature can be turned off as it significantly increases difficulty
  • New automatic CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) missions to offset pilot loss (but only if your pilot survived ejection)
  • You now must safely land your airframe in a safe zone (Airfield, Carrier, FARP) before you can change planes. Otherwise you lose a pilot, and a CSAR is created. 

See the appropriate sections in the main description for details 


Minor additions: 

  • Added AV-8B Harrier (Laser- and IR Mav CAS configurations)


Detailed Version 1.2 Change Description: 


Pilot Pool & CSAR: Hard Limit on Pilot losses [OPTIONAL]
As of version 1.2, new rules have been introduced to strengthen the role and importance of Helicopters: Pilot Pool and automatic CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue). There is now a limit on the number of pilots that can be lost (NOTE: does not apply to REDFORCE/AI). This limit is currently set at 6 (six). If your side loses all their pilots, you lose the engagement.


Losing a Pilot
You lose a pilot whenever one of the following happens:

  • you are killed
  • you crash your airplane/helicopter and die inside it
  • you eject (this pilot can be rescued, see below)
  • you ditch your airplane/helicopter (i.e. switch to another plane) while not landed on your own airfield, FARP or carrier (this pilot can be rescued, see below)

You WON'T lose a pilot when you

  • switch your airplane while landed on your airfield, FARP or carrier. 


'Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing' applies: while landed on your airfield, FARP or carrier, the condition ("health") of that plane is irrelevant, as long as you (the pilot) are alive and you are still inside that plane. So even if all that remains of your plane is twisted smoking wreckage, you can change into a brand-spanking new one without losing a pilot. If you, on the other hand, eject during landing or take-off, that pilot is lost (but can be rescued with a CSAR, see below).


CSAR Missions: Rescuing Pilots
Whenever you eject from or ditch your plane, a CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) mission is created for that pilot, somewhere close to the place where you ejected or ditched. A player can then fly a troop transport helicopter (Huey, Hind or Hip) and try to rescue up the downed pilot. They then bring the rescued crew back to a friendly drop-off zone (airfield, carrier, or FARP). Note that not all ejections are safe:

  • ejecting over water will usually kill the pilot quickly [currently: immediately]
  • pilots can be injured and bleed out. If a pilot dies due to their injuries, that CSAR mission fails and is removed [currently disabled as deemed too difficult, all pilots survive ejection unharmed]
  • pilots may touch down in difficult terrain and require a hover rescue (much more difficult than a landing)

To rescue a downed pilot, use their ELT signal to home in on their location. The CSAR Report, available under Communication --> F10-Other..., lists all currently downed pilots and the frequencies of their ELT. When approaching the downed pilot's location, be advised that the "parachute guy" that DCS 2.7 creates automatically on ejection and may linger in the vicinity is NOT the crew you want to rescue. Verify that you are trying to pick up the correct unit. 


Once you are close enough to the downed pilot, land and you automatically pick up the pilot. If you can't land due to inaccessible terrain, hover directly over the evacuee, and your crew will attempt a winch rescue. This requires that you hover in range for approximately 20 seconds. You'll see a count-down come up. Once it reaches zero, the evacuee is safely hooked and is winced aboard. 


Once the downed pilot is securely on board, return and land the helicopter on your Carrier, Airfield or FARP. As soon as you land, you will be credited with the number of pilots you rescued (i.e. they will be added to your pool of available pilots)


Note that CSAR Missions are dangerous due to their potentially high reward, and the helicopter skills required. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before embarking on one. Be advised that  

  • Downed Pilots can (and usually will) be killed if they are spotted by enemy troops. 
  • The computer may generate enemy search parties to hunt down a notorious pilot [currently disabled]
  • If an enemy search party finds and kills a downed pilot, you may or may not be warned about that fact. In the latter case, the enemy may be waiting for you at the LZ, so you might always be flying into an ambush.
  • When under fire, pilots may advise you that the LZ is hot
  • It is possible (but risky) to pick up multiple pilots on a single flight

To maximize survivability for your pilots, make sure you start your CSAR soon.


Additional Notes
If you are shot down during CSAR, but manage to survive the landing (or ditch the helicopter) while carrying rescued crew, any rescued personnel plus your helicopter pilot will again be available as CSAR missions.


What happens when I run out of pilots?
From the scenario's perspective, you have lost, and a message to that effect will appear to everyone. You can continue playing, and every time you enter a new plane, you will get an unmistakable notice that the scenario thinks you are cheating. But that's all, so you can continue to practice. 


Enabling / Disabling Pilot Pool Limit
Pilot limits is a difficulty setting. Default is ENABLED. You can enable / disable it any time using the "F10 Other" menu. Whenever you change that setting, all players receive an explicit notice to the new status. Re-enabling it will not reset your side's pilot count, but simply continue from the point when you disabled it


Have fun,


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New Version: 1.2.2 (please use download link in OP)


Changes to version 1.2.2:

  • Overhaul of the ground AI for better performance, including improved pathing, and unit deadlock removal
  • Overwhelming a Named Location is now possible to force a capture (attempted automatically by AI)
  • DCS-created parachutists are removed to avoid confusion with CSAR mission objectives
  • You now can query the number of pilots your sides has left via F10-Other...
  • Primitive scoring / kill record - available via F10-Other...
  • Added F-5E and tweaked some default load-outs



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New Version: 1.2.4 (please use download link in OP)


Changes to version 1.2.3 and 1.2.4:

  • Corrected a show-stopping bug: Now blue-owned locations produce blue units again.
  • Corrected a bug when deploying blue troops from Helicopters 




Edited by cfrag
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  • 4 weeks later...

New Version: 1.2.5 (please use download link in OP) - 20210906


Changes to version 1.2.5:

  • bug fixes to scoring crashes when taking out buildings
  • new, better performing civilian traffic module that dynamically generates neutral (UN) civilian air traffic between airports in the region, replaces existing one 
  • fixed bug that when repairing units, they would switch to neutral
  • added troop spawn points (JTAC and Assault) for heavy helicopters (Hip, Hind)




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Wow, impressive! I had no idea these types of things were even possible with the mission editor! I can't imagine how much time you put into developing this, thank you! 

"...I just wanna fly; put your arms around me baby, put your arms around me baby" - Sugar Ray

RTX 3090, Ryzen 7 5800X3D, MSI MPG B550 Gaming mobo, 64 GB DDR4 RAM, 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD 2TB game install drive, Oculus Quest Pro via link cable, Standalone DCS beta.

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New Version: 1.2.9 (please use download link in OP) - 20211017

Changes to version 1.2.9:

  • CSAR: loading/unloading evacuees changes internal weight
  • Added Su-25 and Su-25T in CAS configuration
  • Changed default A-10A load-out to include CBU 
  • Bug fixes, included newest libraries




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  • 1 month later...

New Version: 1.3.0  - 20211208

Changes to version 1.3.0:

  • Updated libraries, removed minor bugs
  • Corrected some spelling
  • Unit pathing improved, now using zone hints (please ignore the occasional error messages. Still shaking out code) 




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  • 7 months later...
6 minutes ago, skypickle said:

where is the mission? Not in user files.

Not at the moment, no. I disagreed with some of ED's User Files policies, and hosted my files on Google for some time. I now find ED's policies much more agreeable, and have started to migrate the missions back onto ED's servers. When I update IW:C, I'll probably post it into the User Files.

Until then, you may find the link in the first message:



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New Version: 20220917

Major Update


  • Now again downloadable from within ED's User Files
  • Updated to most recent DML level (upgrades to CSAR, limited airframes, Helo Troops, Player Score)
  • Added ability to save mission and continue later (requires de-sanitized DCS)
  • Integrated Helicopter CSAR into player score
  • Integrated deploying troops to capture enemy occupied zones into player score (new scoring category 'Accomplishments' lists all successful rescues and combat drops)
  • Added a few nasty surprises
  • Added AH-64, F5-E as player modules 
  • Single-use aircraft: slots blocked when aircraft destroyed (requires @Ciribob Simple Slot Block)
  • Added Splash Damage 2 by @Grimm




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