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Cold War 1947 - 1991 *** 3rd Limited Edition ***

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Posted (edited)

Important Notes:

- This is NOT a new server, but rather a mission with exceptional features for the Cold War 1947 - 1991 server.
- The scenario of this mission is based on the assassination of the shadow commander, Qasem Soleimani, back in January 2020, with obvious discrepancies.
- All aircraft and weapons are limited in numbers.
- Flying solo is NOT appreciated! This is a MULTIPLAYER mission on a public server and not for other purposes.
- Use SRS for communicating with other players to get the most out of your teamwork.
- The mission features the Persian Gulf map.

The mission goes online once in a while. Dates and times are always announced several days prior to the event.

Server Name: Cold War 1947 - 1991

Server IP:

Note that I use the TeamSpeak 3 channel of the 104th Phoenix server.

When tuned in, scroll all the way down to see it.

TeamSpeak 3 IP: ts50.gameservers.com:9132
TeamSpeak 3 password: phoenix


Operation Eye for an Eye


* Note that Khasab is actually not part of the UAE, but is considered as such for the sake of the mission *

On 2 April 1990, around 17:08 local time, Colonel Saleem Farhadi held a meeting of Iranian military leadership in the province of Nariman, Qeshm City, to discuss the importance of putting Iranian forces on high alert. Days prior to the meeting he was once again talking about the UAE situation, American jet planes had been spotted by Iranian intelligence flying over the Gulf of Oman, and the necessity to strengthen Iranian defences along the coast. Weeks ago he was accused of giving aid, money and vital information to Iranian agents living in the UAE with the express purpose of igniting riots and sewing chaos across the region, including the protests in Dubai of last month. Three years ago, an armed patrolling speedboat of the UAE Coast Guard was destroyed in international waters by the Iranian Airforce, by order of Colonel Farhadi. Farhadi's claim was that the armed speedboat was on its way further north to intercept an Iranian oil tanker. The UAE denied such claims and stated that the armed speedboat was merely conducting a routine patrol and within all the parameters of the Azraq Agreement, which details all sea routes and permitted military operations for both sides.

The colonel has been nothing but a dangerous neighbour in the eyes of UAE officials ever since he came into power in 1985.

Colonel Saleem Farhadi... must go!

About two hours after the meeting, and while the colonel was leaving his residence in his limousine, a loud explosion was heard! Fire and smoke covered the Azadegan Boulevard of Qeshm City. The colonel's limousine was blown to pieces!

Major Hamid Rahimi, Colonel Farhadi's second hand and most trusted aid, immediately accused the UAE and their American allies of assassinating the colonel. Rahimi swore revenge and said that blood can only be repaid by blood. UAE and American officials made no comments pertaining the accusations, instead putting their airforces on high alert.

It is four days after the colonel's assassination, operation Eye for an Eye has begun!

Airbases Iran is aiming to strike:
- Khasab
- Fujairah Intl

Airbases the UAE and the USA are aiming to strike:
- Qeshm Island
- Bandar-e-Jask


Winning Conditions:

- The mission runs for 3 hours.
- Both coalitions are tasked with striking specific targets (see objectives).
- By the end of the mission a message appears announcing the outcome of the battle.
- The message is for all to see, and shows what objectives were completed by what coalition.
- That means, each side seeks to strike the enemy while defending friendly assets during the given time of 3 hours.
- If one side finishes more objectives than the other, then you could consider it as the winner of the day.
- Obviously, if both finish their objectives, it's a draw.


RED (Iran) Objectives:

*** IMPORTANT Notes! ***

All aircraft are limited in numbers! That means you must always RTB to an airbase with slots available for the type of aircraft you're flying, otherwise, the aircraft is lost.

* F-14A's operate from all airbases, except for Jiroft.
* MiG-29A's operate from Qeshm Island and Havadarya Airbases.
* MiG-21's operate from Havadarya, Qeshm Island and Jiroft Airbases.
* Su-25T's operate from Bandar Abbas Airbase Airbase only.
* Our solo Mi-24 operates from the cargo ship by Oman's eastern coast.

You can always land at any friendly airbase for repairing, rearming or refueling purposes. However, you can only park and leave your aircraft at the predetermined airbases as mentioned above.

You don't have to shut down your engines to save the aircraft. You only need to park it (not on the runway!) before you leave the slot and it becomes available at that airbase.

Objectives' Overview:

- Destroy the radar units of the 3 x Hawk SAM sites at Khasab.
- Destroy all 4 x cargo ships at Khasab's Harbour.
- Destroy vital structures at Khasab Airbase using nuke bombs from Jiroft Airbase.
- Destroy the radar unit of the one Hawk SAM site at Fujairah Intl Airbase.
- Protect our scud launchers (once activated) from enemy F-16CM's.

Feel free to attack anything else as you see fit, but ONLY after finishing the aforementioned objectives.

F-14A's and MiG-29A's:

- Provide CAP alongside your flight path.
- Note that the flight paths are different for F-14A's and MiG-29A's operating form a different airbase than yours.

* Slots at Jirfot Airbase Become operational after 70 minutes, or once Su-25T's complete a certain objective (see below) *

- MiG-21's operating from Havadarya and Qeshm Island Airbases are tasked with destroying 4 x cargo ships at Khasab's Harbour.
- MiG-21's operating from Jiroft Airbase are tasked with dropping nuke bombs on Khasab Airbase.

Note that IR SAM's and AAA's are at Khasab Airbase!

- You are tasked with providing SEAD at Khasab Airbase.
- You must take out the 2 x SAM Hawk radar units at Khasab Airbase.
- Completing the task enables MiG-21's to strike Khasab's Airbase and cargo ships at the harbour.

Waypoint-1: Ingress point
Waypoint-2: Khasab airbase

We had a friendly tanker ship on its way to Oman 36 hours ago. Onboard is a single Mi-24 that was covered with thick sheets made out of specific materials to increase stealth. The ship is currently at a harbour belonging to the state of Oman to only serve as a homebase for the Hind.

- Destroy the Hawk's SAM radar unit at waypoint 2 at Fujairah Intl Airbase.
- Feel free to take out the 2 x Avengers at the airbase.
- Destroying the Hawk's radar enables our scud launchers to prepare for a strike!
- Avengers might shoot down a scud missile or two, so try and take them out if possible.
- Remember! Your top priority target is the Hawk's radar.

Waypoint-1: Ingress point
Waypoint-2: Hawk SAM site at Fujairah Intl Airbase
Combined Arms:

The JTAC slots are mainly for players who want to check out the situation quickly, provide GCI for a group of people or preferably everyone. In addition, you can use the JTAC slot to drive a ground unit. However, the latter requires you being on comms with other operators to avoid confusion and/or causing problems to their attacks.

EWR / GCI: 124 MHz - Channel 0 for MiG-21's and the Mi-24.
ATC: 126 MHz - Channel 1 for MiG-21's and Mi-24's


BLUE (UAE and USA) Objectives:

*** IMPORTANT Notes! ***

All aircraft are limited in numbers! That means you must always RTB to an airbase with slots available for the type of aircraft you're flying, otherwise, the aircraft is lost.

* M-2000C's operate from all airbases.
* F-15C's operate from Khasab Airbase only.
* F-16CM's operate from Ras Al Khaimah Intl Airbase only.
* F/A-18C's operate from Ras Al Khaimah Intl Airbase only.

You can always land at any friendly airbase for repairing, rearming or refueling purposes. However, you can only park and leave your aircraft at the predetermined airbases as mentioned above.

You don't have to shut down your engines to save the aircraft. You only need to park it (not on the runway!) before you leave the slot and it becomes available at that airbase.

Objectives' Overview:

- Destroy the radar units of the 2 x KUB SAM sites a Qeshm Island, plus 1 x SA-15.
- Destroy the 2 x taxiways of Qeshm Island Airbase.
- Destroy the radar units of the 2 x KUB SAM sites, the 1 x SA-2 and 1 x SA-15 at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase.
- Destroy vital structures at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase.
- Search and destroy enemy scud launchers, should they become operational.
- Provide escort for our B-1 coming out of Dubai (see F/A-18C objectives below)

Feel free to attack anything else as you see fit, but ONLY after finishing the aforementioned objectives.

M-2000C's and F-15C's:

- Provide CAP alongside your flight path.
- Note that the flight paths are different for M-2000C's operating form a different airbase than yours.

* F-16CM's become operational, once SEAD is completed by the Hornets *

- SEAD is your top priority target!
- Destroy 2 x SA-6 and 1 x SA-2 radar units and 1 x SA-15 at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase -> Unlocks 2 x F-16CM's.
- Destroy 2 x SA-6 radar units and 1 x SA-15 at Qeshm Island Airbase -> Unlocks 2 x F-16CM's.
- Once the above is done, feel free to help with CAP operations.
- Once the above is done, feel free to attack other SAM sites.

Waypoint-1: Bandar-e-Jask Airbase
Waypoint-2: Qeshm Island Airbase

B-1 Flight:
Once the SAM units (IR excluded) at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase are destroyed, a flight of 1 x B-1 coming out of Dubai City will be on its way to carpet bomb the airbase.

* 6 x slots available. All are on standby (players have no access to them) at mission's start *

Slots 1 and 2 become operational once the Hornets complete their SAED at Qeshm Island Airbase:
- Destroy the western taxiway at Qeshm Island Airbase with GBU-10 bombs.
- Destroy the eastern taxiway at Qeshm Island Airbase with GBU-10 bombs.
- Waypoint-1: Ingress point.
- Waypoint-2: Possible scud launchers' location.

Slots 3 and 4 become operational once the Hornets complete their SAED at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase:
- Destroy vital structures (see images) at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase with GBU-10 bombs.
- Waypoint-1: Ingress point.
- Waypoint-2: Bandar-e-Jask Airbase.

Slots 5 and 6 become operational once enemy scud launchers become operational:
- Use AGM-65H missiles to destroy scud launchers.
- Watch out for Shilkas covering the scuds' group.
- Waypoint-1: Ingress point.
- Waypoint-2: Possible scud launchers' location.
Combined Arms:

The JTAC slots are mainly for players who want to check out the situation quickly, provide GCI for a group of people or preferably everyone. In addition, you can use the JTAC slot to drive a ground unit. However, the latter requires you being on comms with other operators to avoid confusion and/or causing problems to their attacks.

AWACS (Overlord 1-1) / GCI: 251 MHz
ATC: 256 MHz



briefing image.png


khasab airbase.png


khasab harbour.png


qeshm airbase.png


bandar-e-jask 1.png


bandar-e-jask 2.png


bandar-e-jask 3.png

Edited by Alpenwolf

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

Posted (edited)


6 x slots - 36 aircraft
1 x reserve slot at Qeshm with ZERO aircraft available.
* That means if a pilot lands his Tomcat at Qeshm and leaves it there, the reserve slot becomes alive.

AIM-7M's and AIM-9M's


4 x slots - 24 aircraft

R-27R's, R-27T's and R-73's


8 x slots - 34 aircraft - (MiG-21's at Jiroft Airbase are blocked at mission's start - see objectives)

R-3R's, R-60M's and R-13M1's
S-24 rockets and Kh-66 Grom's for attacking the ships

RN-28 nuke bombs (2 only!)


4 x slots - 14 aircraft

Kh-58U's and Kh-25MP's (AS-12 Kegler)


1 x slot - 6 aircraft

You must have a human co-pilot


* Fuel tanks and pods are available for all



8 x slots - 42 aircraft

Matra S530D and Matra Magic ll missiles


2 x slots - 12 aircraft

AIM-7MH's and AIM-9M's


6 x slots - 16 aircraft - (blocked at mission's start - see objectives)

AGM-65H's and GBU-10's


4 x slots - 16 aircraft

AIM-7MH's and AIM-9M's


* Fuel tanks and pods are available for all


Edited by Alpenwolf

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com


The mission will go online this Saturday, 18.09.2021, and will kick off around 1800 zulu.


The server will be locked! Be on TeamSpeak minutes prior to the event for a quick briefing and to get the password.


Signups are not necessary.


Note that I use the TeamSpeak 3 channel of the 104th Phoenix server.

When tuned in, scroll all the way down to see it.

TeamSpeak 3 IP: ts50.gameservers.com:9132

TeamSpeak 3 passowrd: phoenix

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cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com


To bad we don't have the Correct planes and Maps to do 80%-90% of the missions done in ww2,    It would be sweet as shit if we could set up missions on servers each and every day just like they had back then that something I would love to see.               I know this is something that wont happen or if does is so far down the line that odds are ill be dead lol but we can always pray hahaha!               But this is AWSOME keep up the great work guys love doing any mission based of real life events.

Posted (edited)

NASAMS? The AMRAAM itself wasn't even properly operational yet - NASAMS reached IOC in '95 and full OC in '98. Not sure what it's doing here, to be honest. If you want decent shorter-range coverage over Khasab, stick Avengers around it and then a Hawk or Patriot to deny the airspace above the Avenger's ceiling. Their hit rate when controlled by AI isn't fantastic, but a couple with interlocking fields of fire will kill anything that comes near them.


In any case, depending where said NASAMS is, the Jiroft 21s should be able to land RN-28s close enough without ever exposing themselves to it - I wouldn't count on SAMs alone to stop them.

Edited by rossmum
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, rossmum said:

NASAMS? The AMRAAM itself wasn't even properly operational yet - NASAMS reached IOC in '95 and full OC in '98. Not sure what it's doing here, to be honest. If you want decent shorter-range coverage over Khasab, stick Avengers around it and then a Hawk or Patriot to deny the airspace above the Avenger's ceiling. Their hit rate when controlled by AI isn't fantastic, but a couple with interlocking fields of fire will kill anything that comes near them.


In any case, depending where said NASAMS is, the Jiroft 21s should be able to land RN-28s close enough without ever exposing themselves to it - I wouldn't count on SAMs alone to stop them.



I knew someone was going to mention that 😉


I'm aware of its service history simply because I looked it up. The first round of any mission I do is always for stress testing the mission and other features, like in this case the NASAMS. A MiG-21 can easily fly very low to avoid the Hawks, but not necessarily the NASAMS. We don't have a Tor or a Tunguska for Blue. Nevertheless, the NASAMS will be removed at some point.

Edited by Alpenwolf

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

6 minutes ago, Alpenwolf said:


I knew someone was going to mention that 😉


I'm aware of its service history simply because I looked it up. The first round of any mission I do is always for stress testing the mission and other features, like in this case the NASAMS. A MiG-21 can easily fly very low to avoid the Hawks, but not necessarily the NASAMS. We don't a Tor or a Tunguska for Blue. Nevertheless, the NASAMS will be removed at some point.

Don’t get too wrapped up in silly service dates if the system fits the desired gameplay. 






Posted (edited)

If the NASAMS is there for the 21s to keep them off the deck (spoiler - it probably won't, depending where you put it it's likely to have a very limited amount of low alt coverage) but the 21s are unlocked by the 25Ts killing the Hawks and NASAMS, that seems a bit contradictory to be honest. Not really sure it has a purpose at that point as basically anything else is going to be a bigger threat to a 25T, and it should be gone by the time the 21 rolls in. Even if it isn't, if it's covering the harbour it probably can't cover the airfield well.




I just did some testing. I'm not sure if you're going to use scattered infantry as triggers for the "objective destroyed" or not, but the RN-28 will not destroy the buildings at Khasab. What it will do is destroy any road traffic nearby, any units parked at the airfield, and leave a huge crater that will make it fairly obvious where the bomb hit. Honestly any 28 landing within the airfield boundary at the end where the structures are should be a hit for the purposes of the objective, you just won't see any demolished buildings.



Here you can see the bomb landed dead centre of the runway on the top end of the field, the buildings in question are within the crater's inner rim, and the blast killed ??something?? way off on the left down that other valley (plus civ AI traffic and a NASAMS site at the airfield). No destroyed buildings 😞

Edited by rossmum
8 hours ago, rossmum said:

If the NASAMS is there for the 21s to keep them off the deck (spoiler - it probably won't, depending where you put it it's likely to have a very limited amount of low alt coverage) but the 21s are unlocked by the 25Ts killing the Hawks and NASAMS, that seems a bit contradictory to be honest. Not really sure it has a purpose at that point as basically anything else is going to be a bigger threat to a 25T, and it should be gone by the time the 21 rolls in. Even if it isn't, if it's covering the harbour it probably can't cover the airfield well.




I just did some testing. I'm not sure if you're going to use scattered infantry as triggers for the "objective destroyed" or not, but the RN-28 will not destroy the buildings at Khasab. What it will do is destroy any road traffic nearby, any units parked at the airfield, and leave a huge crater that will make it fairly obvious where the bomb hit. Honestly any 28 landing within the airfield boundary at the end where the structures are should be a hit for the purposes of the objective, you just won't see any demolished buildings.



Here you can see the bomb landed dead centre of the runway on the top end of the field, the buildings in question are within the crater's inner rim, and the blast killed ??something?? way off on the left down that other valley (plus civ AI traffic and a NASAMS site at the airfield). No destroyed buildings 😞



I only decided to block the MiG-21's and F-16's after the mission was finalised. And that's only to prevent any player from trying to be the hero of the hour by striking the enemy's airbase, despite all the SAM coverage in that area. Strikers should never go in as long as the SEAD objective is still going on as you know, but good luck relying on players to restarin themselves from doing that. Hence the idea of blocking 'em. Maybe I was lazy to remove the NASAMS and adjust the triggers accordingly.


I ran some tests some days ago and had the same results with the nuke bombs. Therefore, some triggers were added to modify that. And only if nuke bombs hit the area the objective counts as completed, so no worries there.

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

4 hours ago, LoneS said:

Looking good Alpy!

I like how the Hind is restricted to 2 human pilots so maybe the Tomcat too?


I thought about it, but it wont be that easy to get 6 RIO's. However, those who are waiting for the MiG-21's to become available might do it to pass the time 😉

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

Posted (edited)

I can tell you now that it doesn't even take a heroic effort to hit that airbase despite an active NASAMs and Hawks 😄 I don't know where you plan on putting the launcher, but I ran tests with it in all the most likely locations. In most circumstances, between entering its range and popping up to toss the bomb, it had time to fire once (and missed). In every test I was able to survive the entire attack run and egress, and only one test went badly due to me not minding my bank angle during the toss, so I missed just enough to consider it a failed attack. I also made the joyful discovery that NASAMS apparently has horrible radar elevation limits, because it couldn't even track me through the toss manoeuvre and did not reacquire and fire again until I was on my way back out. Avengers would genuinely be more threatening.

Edited by rossmum
2 hours ago, rossmum said:

I can tell you now that it doesn't even take a heroic effort to hit that airbase despite an active NASAMs and Hawks 😄 I don't know where you plan on putting the launcher, but I ran tests with it in all the most likely locations. In most circumstances, between entering its range and popping up to toss the bomb, it had time to fire once (and missed). In every test I was able to survive the entire attack run and egress, and only one test went badly due to me not minding my bank angle during the toss, so I missed just enough to consider it a failed attack. I also made the joyful discovery that NASAMS apparently has horrible radar elevation limits, because it couldn't even track me through the toss manoeuvre and did not reacquire and fire again until I was on my way back out. Avengers would genuinely be more threatening.



Good! Now, try that again with Avengers, AAA's and most importantly, bandits! They'd force you to go defensive, maybe even climb a bit and all of a sudden the HAWK or the NASAMS have you like a fish in a barrel 😉

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com


I think you're greatly overestimating the defences, but I guess we'll see. If you're forced to actually, genuinely go defensive, the bomb is as good as written off anyway.

Posted (edited)

There's an issue with the taxiway attack by the F-16s, because of a long standing F-16 bug. The trigger needs the LGBs to hit the taxiway precisely, but that doesn't really work, because the LGBs of the F-16 aren't properly synced to the server and other clients. The client who drops the bomb sees it correctly hitting the laser point, but the server and all other clients just see the LGB fall ballistically not guiding on the laser. So the server and other clients see the bomb landing at a different place than the guy who drops the bomb. The trigger works on the server side, so it doesn't recieve the correct bomb impact position.


See here as well:


Edited by QuiGon
  • Thanks 1

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, QuiGon said:

There's an issue with the taxiway attack by the F-16s, because of a long standing F-16 bug. The trigger needs the LGBs to hit the taxiway precisely, but that doesn't really work, because the LGBs of the F-16 aren't properly synced to the server and other clients. The client who drops the bomb sees it correctly hitting the laser point, but the server and all other clients just see the LGB fall ballistically not guiding on the laser. So the server and other clients see the bomb landing at a different place than the guy who drops the bomb. The trigger works on the server side, so it doesn't recieve the correct bomb impact position.


See here as well:




To further describe the F-16 LGB bug and what is happening there:

If a client drops an LGB onto an enemy unit and kills it, all other clients will see the bomb landing somewhere besides it, but they will still the unit blow up, even though they see the bomb impacting somewhere else. Same with TacView: In the TacView file of the guy who dropped the bomb, it will show the bomb landing right on top of the unit, while on the TacView file of the server and other clients the bomb will land somewhere else, but the unit will still die like itgot a heart attack.

The taxiways in this missions are not units though and the "bomb in zone" trigger works server sides, so it doesn't see the bomb hitting the taxiway, but somewhere next to it.

Edited by QuiGon
  • Thanks 1

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg


That was a blast! Great session!


- Red completed all 5 objective.

- Blue completed 4 objective. The 5th one was destroying all 24 x scud launchers. Only 14 were destroyed and after they all managed to launch their missiles.

- Both sides lost many aircraft and probably would've had ran out of some if we had more players flying.

- Next round will go online in 2-3 weeks.

- The mission will probably run next time for 3 hours instead of 4.


Thanks for flying and providing feedback. I'll fix the issues we've talked about in the debriefing and see how it goes next time.



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cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com


Unfortunately the clip's missing the context of why I was so pumped up, on the last minute of the run I had several Mirages pass close by over my canopy and two more chasing me in 😱 I think there was a full scale furball going on and I flew right through the middle of it.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, Brown Floyd said:


I knew he was all sweaty, nervous in the service and had a high heart beat like never before 😄 I would've had been as well. Anyone actually, when the entire airforce is depending on you.


Nicely executed, mate! I'm always proud of such moments showcasing the toughness of my beloved MiG-21!


2 hours ago, rossmum said:

Unfortunately the clip's missing the context of why I was so pumped up, on the last minute of the run I had several Mirages pass close by over my canopy and two more chasing me in 😱 I think there was a full scale furball going on and I flew right through the middle of it.


Yes, there was a furball 20-40 km north of Khasab, and you only popped up on my radar 20-30 seconds before impact. That's when I told everyone to immediately fly south and take you out. They fired some missiles at you, but they were out of range. I fired 2 missiles from the Avenger and they missed you by inches 😞 But after you pulled up to drop the bomb my third Avenger missile got you, or maybe the Mirage closing in on you, I'm not sure. Lots of missiles and explosions were going on there.


There was an F-15C that just took off by the time the nuke hit the target! He was shred to pieces 🙂


You should save that video of you dropping the nuke before twitch deletes it. You know, something to pass over to your kids and grand kids one day 😉

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com


Mission's Upgrade:


- Red EWR at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase is now protected by the SA-2 SAM battery.

- F-16CM's unable to carry 6 x AGM-65H missiles (2 only) - Fixed.

- Sound file for the B-1 comms was too loud (Blue players were startled) - Fixed.

- Destroying the western taxiway at Qeshm Island Airasbe doesn't trigger any flags - Fixed.

- Added more fuel tanks for the F-16CM's.

- Added the following to the Objectives' Overview:

      Feel free to attack anything else as you see fit, but ONLY after finishing the aforementioned objectives.

- Added CBU-105 bombs (enabled for F-16CM's only).

cold war 1947 - 1991.jpg

Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

Posted (edited)

Nuke mission was fun. Small problem arose - ships in harbour dont sink. We had them nuked with 0% dmg. Then made several passes  firing dozens of S25s. Some ships catch fire. But when you make return flight, smoke stops and you have no idea which ship is dead or alive cuz they dont sink.

Also jammer for 21s would be nice to have. I know nobody uses it but me, but still.

Also maybe implement that trigger zone for static sams we talked about few days ago. So they keep radars off till target in engagement zone. Would make SEAD harder/realistic.

Edited by Apok
Posted (edited)

That was a really fun mission! Great work @Alpenwolf!


The nuke attack is an interesting element. Even though I wasn't flying CAP I felt the tension and anxiety coming from the looming threat of a nuclear attack, especially when listening to the comms when @rossmum made his attack run! My buddy was just taking off from Khasab when the nuke was dropped and when the bomb went off he was already feet wet, but still got caught by the blast. 😄



4 hours ago, Alpenwolf said:

- Added CBU-105 bombs (enabled for F-16CM's only).


Can you also add the CBU-97? The CBU-105 is the GPS guided variant of the CBU-97 cluster bomb and I would like to use the dumb variant instead of the guided one.

Edited by QuiGon

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

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9 hours ago, Alpenwolf said:

Mission's Upgrade:


- Red EWR at Bandar-e-Jask Airbase is now protected by the SA-2 SAM battery.

- F-16CM's unable to carry 6 x AGM-65H missiles (2 only) - Fixed.

- Sound file for the B-1 comms was too loud (Blue players were startled) - Fixed.

- Destroying the western taxiway at Qeshm Island Airasbe doesn't trigger any flags - Fixed.

- Added more fuel tanks for the F-16CM's.

- Added the following to the Objectives' Overview:

      Feel free to attack anything else as you see fit, but ONLY after finishing the aforementioned objectives.

- Added CBU-105 bombs (enabled for F-16CM's only).

Did you add the fuel tanks, KH-29s and more dumb A2G ordnance for the frogies as requested ?



18 hours ago, Alpenwolf said:

- Destroying the western taxiway at Qeshm Island Airasbe doesn't trigger any flags - Fixed.


I'm curious: Was there indeed something wrong with the trigger as this change suggests or have you just adjusted the trigger to better cope with the desync issue of F-16 LGBs?

While I'm sure about the desync issue of LGBs on the F-16 in multiplayer (other player seeing F-16 LGBs landing in different places than the F-16 player), I'm not so sure on how this affects bomb in zone triggers and their evaluation, hence my question 🙂

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg

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