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Coop multiplayer difficulty settings


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My stepson [12 yrs old now] loves helicopters, he was facinated with them since he was very young. By 5 years old he could circle strafe with the chopper in Battlefield Vietnam. He has seen me watching the producer notes and wants to play this sim as much as I do...Which leads me to the following question....


As I can gather from the producer notes videos and the forums there will be different levels of difficulty settings available. This is great since he could start out on the easier settings, but what about coop multiplayer?

Must all the players in a game use the same difficulty settings? I would like us to be able to fly together online but I want to go full realism and he obviously would need to use easier difficulty settings. Is this possible to do or do I have to fly it dumbed down also?



System Specs


Intel I7-3930K, Asrock EXTREME9, EVGA TITAN, Mushkin Chronos SSD, 16GB G.SKILL Ripjaws Z series 2133, TM Warthog and MFD's, Saitek Proflight Combat pedals, TrackIR 5 + TrackClip PRO, Windows 7 x64, 3-Asus VS2248H-P monitors, Thermaltake Level 10 GT, Obutto cockpit


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The server mandates difficulty settings. I would recommend not skimping on the complexity unless you really must. Start-up can still be done at the push of a button, and the rest of the flying is ... flying. Eventually he'll learn all the buttons etc.


I don't know how you intend to play or instruct, but you could get him to just get used to flying the chopper and using and understanding how the flight model, as well as the autopilot functions, work. Once he is comfortable with this (I would imagine it would take about 3-4 hours of instruction if you're starting with someone completely fresh and you really want to make sure they get it) you can proceed to sensor and weapon operation.


But that's what I'd do, so do what suits you best :)


If you are going to run the server on your own, and just play with your son, I believe when you create a mission you can uncheck server-mandated difficulties, so you can fly at different levels.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Great! Thanks for the quick reply. Exactly the info I was looking for. I can hardly wait for this excellent sim.



System Specs


Intel I7-3930K, Asrock EXTREME9, EVGA TITAN, Mushkin Chronos SSD, 16GB G.SKILL Ripjaws Z series 2133, TM Warthog and MFD's, Saitek Proflight Combat pedals, TrackIR 5 + TrackClip PRO, Windows 7 x64, 3-Asus VS2248H-P monitors, Thermaltake Level 10 GT, Obutto cockpit


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