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crash in launcher.exe (lua-gui5.dll) when game is run in singleplayer mode


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I finally got the game installed but when i launch using the Singleplayer mode desktop shortcut, the game crashes with a lua-gui5.dll error but I can run it in Multiplayer mode okay.


"AppName: launcher.exe AppVer: ModName: lua-gui5.dll

ModVer: Offset: 0002b58f"


This occurs on my main gaming PC which is a dual core E6850 3.0 GHZ Intel CPU, Windows XP SP3 and a Nvidia 8800GT (latest nvida drivers 178.24). However on my older single core 2.8 ghz cpu, XP with a Radeon x850 system, the game loads fine (albeit a tad slow).


I do Tech support for my companies own games so I have tried all the obvious steps including; excluding the game from the DEP settings, playing with video settings in the drivers, running the game on a single CPU core via the affinity settings etc. I do NOT overclock either. Same problem no matter what i do. It would appear that for some reason the main game GUI doesn't want to run for me but as I said I can get in the *back door* via the Multiplayer mode just fine. At least I can create missions on my old PC and run them on the new one, but this is a far from an ideal solution since I still have to hand edit files to configure my graphics/gameplay settings etc since I can't get into the Options panel.


Any ideas on this one?



Edited by Madmatt_BFC

A-10C, AV-8B, F-16C, F/A-18C, KA-50, Mi-8, UH-1H, FC3, CA, WWII, NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf


Gaming Rig: I7 7700k @5GHz, Corsair H115i Water Cooling, 32GB G.Skill TridentZ RGB 3600MHz DDR4 SDRAM, Aorus GeForce GTX 1080Ti, 2 x Samsung 960 Pro M.2 1TB NVMe SSD's, Warthog HOTAS w/ Slew mod, MFG Crosswind Pedals, 2 x TM Cougar MFD's, Oculus Rift-S, TrackIR 5, Asus ROG PG3480 34" GSync Monitor @3440x1440-100Hz, Asus 27" Monitor @1920x1080-144Hz, Windows 10 x64

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Check md5 of lua-gui5.dll, should be d365ce1e14a17259da861779afa41146 , and crc32 f926df5f if not than it's corrupted.


Other than that check consistency of folder luagui5, try to compare files with your other pc. Start game from game DVD if you purchased hard copy and leave options.lua to default resolution 1024x768.

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I am getting several CTD, runtime errors, launcher errors. I have only been able to watch a demoflight. Track Ir is not working (no blue light when game starts.) If I enter instant action (belive it´s is the middle button on the menu) the game goes to windows and game stops to respons...bet I have to wait for the western release...BTW: I bought the game by www.digitalcombatsimulator.com


I also have trouble mapping my Saitek rudders...

My moviemaking channel at YouTube:


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I am getting several CTD, runtime errors, launcher errors. I have only been able to watch a demoflight. Track Ir is not working (no blue light when game starts.) If I enter instant action (belive it´s is the middle button on the menu) the game goes to windows and game stops to respons...bet I have to wait for the western release...BTW: I bought the game by www.digitalcombatsimulator.com


I also have trouble mapping my Saitek rudders...


Please read other posts before replying here. Track IR is solved in this post:



Pedals here :http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=33682



The game is always going to windows before initial lunch and there is small time to wait from menu before getting in the cockpit. If you use older PC with low memory and bunch of anti-virus or spyware progs you gonna be waiting for some time for sure.

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Good news, I got it working! Although my "fix" was a little severe, after formating my C drive and reinstalling Windows XP from scratch, I am now able to load the game and play. Woohoo!


Obviouslly their was something with my old install of Windows which Black Shark was conflicting with. Not sure what it could have been but i still have about a million Windows updates yet to install so i will let everyone know if I get the old crash back.


For now though, I am going to blow the crap outa some armor!


Madmatt out!

A-10C, AV-8B, F-16C, F/A-18C, KA-50, Mi-8, UH-1H, FC3, CA, WWII, NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf


Gaming Rig: I7 7700k @5GHz, Corsair H115i Water Cooling, 32GB G.Skill TridentZ RGB 3600MHz DDR4 SDRAM, Aorus GeForce GTX 1080Ti, 2 x Samsung 960 Pro M.2 1TB NVMe SSD's, Warthog HOTAS w/ Slew mod, MFG Crosswind Pedals, 2 x TM Cougar MFD's, Oculus Rift-S, TrackIR 5, Asus ROG PG3480 34" GSync Monitor @3440x1440-100Hz, Asus 27" Monitor @1920x1080-144Hz, Windows 10 x64

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Can you attach here the Temp folder contents from the game directory after the crash? Clear the folder before game launch.


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Can you attach here the Temp folder contents from the game directory after the crash? Clear the folder before game launch.


Here is the content of the last DCS.crash file:


# -------------- 20081119-231546 --------------


# E06D7363 at 7C812A5B 01:00011A5B


# EAX = 0013EFF0


# ECX = 00000000

# EDX = 00000003

# ESI = 0013F080

# EDI = 0013F080

# CS:EIP = 001B:7C812A5B

# SS:ESP = 0023:0013EFEC EBP = 0013F040

# DS = 0023 ES = 0023 FS = 003B GS = 0000

# Flags = 00000206

7C812A5B 0013F040 0001:00011A5B C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll RaiseException()+52

7C812A5B 0013F040 0001:00011A5B C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll RaiseException()+52

7C359AED 0013F080 0001:00018AED E:\Spill\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50\bin\stable\MSVCR71.dll _CxxThrowException()+34

024688AB 7C3AC1D1 0001:000078AB E:\Spill\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50\bin\stable\NewInput.dll ??4NewInput@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z()+53B

56ADE87C 3CDC9CB8 0000:00000000


It crashed most of the times while I tried mapping my rudder. Anyway, I saw that my rudder was actually working and my stick too! I was a little impatient, so I closed the game as the loading was slow. I waited after clicking instant action and the mission loaded. (After nearly 5 minutes!) Performance.....bad on my system. (P4 3GHZ, 2GB RAM, 8600GT DDR3) With low textures and scenes, water on normal, I have no more than 20FPS. Guess the new FM etc takes a huge load on the cpu. Need to get a better system to enjoy this sim. Flying this heli needs practice! :book: I just can´t hold it still and it is also hard with the low fps.

EDIT: After clearing the tempfolder and rebooted, I have not had a crash yet, but the game is unplayable on my system anyway. Too low fps compared to Lock On FC. I bet the FM needs RAW cpupower!

Back to Lock On FC and Falcon 4.0 AF untill I get a new system.

Edited by Kaptein_Damli

My moviemaking channel at YouTube:


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For the proper diagnostics also the content of Ka-50\Temp\ folder needed.


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"The FlankerForce"© -=приостановлено=-

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I finally got the game installed but when i launch using the Singleplayer mode desktop shortcut, the game crashes with a lua-gui5.dll error but I can run it in Multiplayer mode okay.


Please attach the screenshot of error message and the screenshot of console text (to see console delete --console from shortcut properties).

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