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For the new engine?


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Hi ED and the rest!


I'm a student at Lunds University in Sweden. Last week we had a lecture from a professor that studies computer graphics (computers, mobilephones etc etc).

Since LO and maybe future DCS (will) require alot of power to render the game, his group "The swiftfoot" has come up with a new algorithm that renders the game better with less power from the CPU.



Here's the webbsite http://www.swiftfootgraphics.com/


and the their studies: http://graphics.cs.lth.se/research/papers/2007/pcu/pcu.pdf


Could be something for the DCS engine in the future?


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Nice one, looks interesting.


Just making the DCS more streamlined and taking advantage of the more powerful solutions that are about now would be the biggest and first step, but if they ARE developing it from the ground up then something like this may be of use to them.


I will take a read of that thanks, it certanly looks impressive though.



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Hi ED and the rest!


I'm a student at Lunds University in Sweden. Last week we had a lecture from a professor that studies computer graphics (computers, mobilephones etc etc).

Since LO and maybe future DCS (will) require alot of power to render the game, his group "The swiftfoot" has come up with a new algorithm that renders the game better with less power from the CPU.



Here's the webbsite http://www.swiftfootgraphics.com/


and the their studies: http://graphics.cs.lth.se/research/papers/2007/pcu/pcu.pdf


Could be something for the DCS engine in the future?


Everything that can optimize BS is good! ED should give this guys a call! Combat flight simulators is always a hard genre to optimize as the world (read theatre) is large and FM complex.

Edited by Kaptein_Damli

My moviemaking channel at YouTube:


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