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Shadow's Dynamic War Project - Crisis in the Caucasus

Shadow KT

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What is Shadow's Dynamic War Proejct ?:

   Strategic gameplay, dynamic ground warfare, combined arms, logistics are only part of the things, that you can expect to encounter in the scenarios and campaigns (combat or training), that are part of the project. Command and Control roles allow for a whole new level of depth in gameplay, by approaching DCS as a strategy game and having to deal with planning, moving forces and managing limited resources (airframes/fuel/munition/vehicles). Communication and teamplay is the key to success.

What is Crisis in the Caucasus ?:

   Picking up on the lessons learned from “Georgian Retaliation” and “Assault on Sukhumi”, “Crisis in the Caucasus” is the second campaign for Shadow’s “Dynamic War Project”. This concept is growing into a large-scale operation. Mechanics seen in previous scenarios are being carrier over, tweaked and combined with new ideas. Two factions will clash together, while having to carefully control and manage their assets and resources.  

What is the scenario ?:  

   With Russia pulling out of the agreement, which imposed economical sanctions on Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a diplomatic crisis is forming up on an international level. In turn, Georgia has decided to accelerate its request to join the NATO alliance, in fear of invasion. All this has led to increased tensions between Georgia and the Russian Federation. A combat conflict seems to be inevitable.

   NATO forces have already started staging troops in Georgia, but due to the rapid deterioration of diplomacy between the two opposing states, it has not had enough time to prepare and fully deploy a defensive, which would guarantee the successful repel of a Russian invasion.

   Russia has foreseen this and has decided to attack before the winter of 2005 has started. This will increase Russia’s chances of success, before NATO is able to complete its full deployment to the region, which has been forecasted to not happen, at least, the following spring.

What roles can you take?:

   You can take up any pilot role that is available in the scenario, a ground commander role or a command and control role. All roles include multiple objectives that they aim to achieve, so it is down to you to chose. Don't worry, if you think that you might not do that great at a role, as long as you are open minded and wanting to learn and improve, you are welcomed.

When will it happen ?:

   High levels of realism come with their own problems, the main one being time. In real life, planning for missions is a profession of its own. I do not want DCS to become a second job for people, that is why all scenarios and campaigns are played out as events, with sign ups and enough time to prepare for everything. There are no concrete dates. Currently the campaign is in a staging phase, meaning that both factions are gather players and planning their moves. Once both teams believe they are ready, a date and time, which works for most people will be picked. You can expect weekend days, european time zone evenings. All this organization will happen over at the official project discord.

How can I sign-up and where will the organization happen ?:

   You can sign-up, as well as find more information or ask any questions you might have over at the official Dynamic War Project discord: https://discord.gg/hDpd6Wk

Is there any additional information I can receive about the campaign ?:

   Campaign documentation, which contains description of the scenario, the roles and units involved as well as the rules and other information can be found here. Any faction sensitive information, is shared only with the members of that faction.


Edited by Shadow KT
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Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days

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