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  • 9 months later...


DCS: La-7 Introduction

Our third party developer OctopusG is happy to announce the upcoming La-7 for DCS World! We are thrilled to introduce another legendary warbird to the DCS World War II aircraft hanger.

The Lavochkin La-7 is one of the most famous Soviet fighters that saw action towards the end of the Second World War. It was the crown jewel of Soviet World War II aircraft design and saw great success at the hands of Red Army Air Force ace, Ivan Nikitovitch Kozhedub, with 60 kills, the vast majority of which were Fighters!

The La-7 aircraft is equipped with the 14 cylinder ASh-82FN radial engine which was a derivative of the ASh-62, itself based on a license built version of the American Wright Cyclone R-1820. The ASh-82 was truly the pinnacle of Soviet air-cooled engines, reliable and easy to maintain, it developed 1’850 hp. The aircraft was also well armed with two formidable 20-mm ShVAK cannons. The wooden airframe was light and sleek yet extremely rugged. It offered excellent overall performance, and was loved by its pilots for its handling and capabilities, making it easily as good as the best Axis fighters in air combat.

The OctopusG team has leveraged their experience developing the DCS: I-16 to develop the most accurate La-7 possible. Their La-7 will have a fully interactive cockpit, detailed systems modeling, and an outstanding flight model based on years of DCS World development experience.

The module is very far along, and it is planned to be released into Early Access in the first part of 2023.

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Il Caucaso è una mappa del fronte orientale. Magari non ci ha mai operato durante la ww2 il tipo specifico, ma è sempre meglio della Normandia.
Poi volendo potrebbe anche adattarsi alla Corea con le dovute concessioni, anche sui mezzi in campo.
Con le lacune dei settori storici di DCS ci si deve adattare!

Inviato dal mio Tapatalk

11 hours ago, Falco. said:

Mah, sarà anche figo come dici tu e non discuto sulle capacità di questi ragazzi ma sarebbe interessante capire a chi possa interessare questo aeroplano, stendendo ovviamente un velo pietoso sul contesto in cui dovrebbe operare equiparabile a un Veltro su Iwo Jima.



E? Solo perche' a te non in teressa non dovrebbero farlo?

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Posted (edited)

Ma perché tiri la ED in ballo? 

Le terze parti fanno quello che vogliono... Se hanno interesse in aerei russi, tra l'altro stanno scegliendo macchine interessanti e diverse dalle solite, se hanno accesso a quei manuali, e se ci rendiamo conto che stanno facendo motori radicali (che sono parecchio complicati) non vedo assolutamente quale sia il problema? 

Tralascio il tuo commentino sul concetto di simulazione... 

Edited by komemiute
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Il problema infatti non è il La7 quanto piuttosto tutto il resto, soprattutto la terza mappa clone senza moduli adeguati (almeno) per l'Asse, a parte un A8 tirato per le orecchie, e incompleto.

A livello di simulazione storica DCS WW2 è ormai un così detto "cavallo morto".

Tre mappe clone e ancora nulla per la BoB ad esempio. Sviluppo veramente schizofrenico. 



C'è da dire che DCS non è mai stato un simulatore di battaglie e/o contesti, quanto più un sandbox dedicato alla simulazione minuziosa di singoli mezzi aerei, e in quast'ultima accezione rimane insuperato. Per la simulazione di battaglie / contesti peraltro esistono altri simulatori, che però peccano in quanto a dettaglio del singolo mezzo (mentre eccellono invece nel ricreare i contesti storici).

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Non possiedo nessun mezzo WWII per cui non conosco i problemi dell'A8 o del 109; comunque non tutti i moduli DCS sono perfetti in tutti gli aspetti e le critiche sono sacrosante, resta il fatto che almeno gli intenti sono i medesimi per tutti (FC3 a parte), ovvero ricreare delle simulazioni study level. Simulazioni che purtroppo rimangono troppo spesso senza contesto, al punto che paradossalmente risulta più realistico simulare un air show in Nevada in cui si pilota la "vecchia gloria" p-51 piuttosto che immedesimarsi in un pilota impegnato nelle operazioni del 1944. Ma questo, almeno in parte, vale anche per molti mezzi contemporanei (ci sono un uh-1 e un mig-21 ma non c'è il Vietnam - chissà se arriverà col phantom; ci sono sabre e mig-15 ma manca la corea; e anche i vari f-18/f-16/a-10 con chi se la dovrebbero vedere? col jf-17?). Tanto per dire.

  • 2 months later...

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In order to entertain you while you are expecting the new DCS: La-7 module, we have prepared for you a series of short notes about the module development, about the aircraft and its elements, about personalities associated with the aircraft.
Let's start with a little comparison.

Against the I-16, a representative of the fighter aviation of the beginning of World War II, the La-7 aircraft is significantly more advanced not only as a combat vehicle, but also as an aircraft to pilot.

The first thing to note is the chassis of course.
Those painful multi-stage manual procedures to raise and lower the landing gear are left behind.

From now on, the landing gear is just controlled by setting the hydraulic handle to the appropriate position, which allows the pilot to focus on the task.

In addition, the aircraft has pitch and yaw trimmers that reduces pilot fatigue during flying, increasing the feeling of comfort.

The motor start-up procedure no longer requires external electrical power or manual spinning of the starter. The autonomy of the procedure is ensured by the onboard compressed air system.

The closed cockpit is also an important element in terms of flight comfort.
The only thing that differed the aircraft for the pilot in a negative direction was the presence of suffocating heat in this cockpit from a powerful engine, which the conditioning system could not cope. Fortunately, this aspect will not physically affect our virtual pilots.

Of course, these minimal conveniences were the undisputed norm of that time, but truly comfortable times are coming for connoisseurs of red piston aviation!

FONTE https://forum.dcs.world/topic/315246-development-notes/?do=findComment&comment=5110892




  • 1 month later...


The next note about the module development is devoted to the "heart" of the La-7 aircraft - the powerful air-cooled engine ASh-82FN.


This 14-cylinder radial engine makes the La-7 an extremely dangerous opponent.

The basis of this technically advanced engine was the American Wright Cyclone R-1820 engine, produced in the Soviet Union under license, which has undergone many improvements and modifications, including the M-62 engine of the I-16 fighter.

Thanks to the ASh-82 engine the Lavochkin design bureau continued to exist (the bureau was on the verge of closing after the overweight LaGG-3 aircraft with a weak liquid-cooled engine was discontinued). It was the engine replacement that led to the implementation of a line of magnificent aircraft from La-5 to La-11.

In one modification or another, this long-lived motor is still found to this day.

Of course, the engine of the La-7 aircraft deserves the proper level of both mathematical and visual modeling.

The depth of visual elaboration is clearly demonstrated in the screenshots.

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In the game, you can open the hood to look around the engine.

In turn, the mathematical model provides high accuracy of reproduction of the motor throttle and altitude performance. The bright lines on the graphs mark the results of the calculation of our engine model in forsazh (WEP) and maximum power modes.


It is worth noting that the forsazh mode is activated by setting the throttle to the FWD position at the first speed of the supercharger and automatically turns off when the supercharger is switched to the second speed, which allows you to safely and efficiently operate the engine. The use of forsazh mode due to the modernization of the cooling and lubrication system is not limited in time. And the direct injection system, in addition to increasing power, increases the stability of the engine during negative overloads.

At the same time, it is needed to strictly observe the regimes in terms of RPM and boost to prevent motor damage.

To control the engine and propeller, the following are provided:

- throttle handle (1)

- propeller control lever (2)

- lever for combined control of a two-speed supercharger and forsazh (3)

- oil cowl flaps control lever. (4)

- controls for the cowl side flaps and frontal flaps (mounted on the cockpit right side).


The throttle handle, as on the I-16 aircraft, has an extra stroke zone for air throttle direct control.

The composition of the fuel mixture is automatically adjusted by the altitude governor.

In skillful hands, the La-7 aircraft with the ASh-82FN engine becomes an extremely effective fighter.




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  • 2 months later...


In the next note on module development, let's talk about the features of air combat on the La-7 aircraft.

As previously noted, the powerful ASh-82FN engine provides the Lavochkin with superiority in the main flight characteristics over opponents at altitudes up to 3,000 meters. Based on this, the main task of the La-7 pilot in air combat is to engage in combat at low altitudes, where they can maximize the advantages of their fighter.

In the world of DCS, the Lavochkin's closest competitors are the Spitfire, Mustang, Focke-Wulf, and Messerschmitt. While the Mustang and Focke-Wulf can be easily outmaneuvered in turns, the Spitfire should be defeated in vertical maneuvers, utilizing high energy capabilities. The Messerschmitt is the closest competitor in terms of its characteristics. Fighting it is almost on equal terms and largely depends on the skill of the pilot.

The most successful pilot who flew the La-7 in real life was the famous three-time Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, who had a total of more than 60 officially confirmed personal victories on La-5 and La-7 aircraft.

According to his memories, Kozhedub achieved his victories primarily by striving to gain the initiative in battle. The renowned ace had the most suitable fighter to implement such tactics.

Our team honored the memory of the outstanding pilot by recreating the livery of the aircraft on which I.N. Kozhedub fought.

We have no doubt that the La-7 aircraft, with its introduction into the world of DCS, will make a significant contribution to the development of virtual air combat.

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  • 1 month later...


In the new development note, we will discuss the engine starting system on the La-7 aircraft module.

One interesting feature of this system is the use of compressed air as energy for the starter. The compressed air can be supplied either from an airfield source or from an onboard pneumatic system.

The main component of the system is the PN-1 starting pump, which is essentially a fuel-air mixture injector acting as a mini-carburetor during engine start-up.

First, the starting chamber of the "carburetor" is manually filled by pumping the plunger. Then, the valve is opened and the compressed air, passing through the starting chamber, rotates the engine to a speed of 50-60 rpm, while simultaneously spraying the fuel-air mixture directly into the cylinders. Finally, ignition is initiated and the start-up is supported by supplying the main fuel under pressure with the help of an alveolar pump.

As they say, it's better to see something once than to hear about it a hundred times. The engine start-up process is clearly demonstrated in our first video about the module.

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La-7 Development Report

The OctopusG team has been working on the most complete simulation ever created for this iconic World War II fighter by carefully studying considerable reference materials. They have completed the trajectory of movement settings that include mass-inertia, aerodynamic characteristics, propeller and engine. They are currently developing the compressed air system, control systems that include yaw and pitch channel trimmers, fuel, hydraulic and other systems.

The team is also working on the 3D model, including the damage model and a wide range of liveries. Liveries will include famous aces and several national liveries, both historic and alternative history.

Items to still complete include the QuickStart Manual, 2D art, and Instant Action missions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


The following development module note contains a brief report on the progress in the field of damage modeling for the La-7 virtual aircraft.
It should be noted that there is a conventional wisdom that the La-7, unlike its wooden predecessor, the La-5FN, had an all-metal construction. This is a misconception. The next series aircraft, the La-9, was the one that had a metal exterior, while the seventh 'Lavochka' planes were still made of wood, with the exception of the metal elements in the internal power set. The distinctive nature of the destruction to the wooden structure is reflected in our module's damage model.

The aircraft has a curious detail: actions were taken to counter the explosion caused by a projectile hitting the fuel tanks. The internal volumes of the tanks were filled with engine exhaust gases, eliminating the risk of vapor ignition from gasoline. Before the combat sortie, the system was activated using the gas filling valve handle.

In addition to detailed visual damage modeling, the module, as is customary for each DCS module, will include a wide range of failures and operational limitations.

Edited by phant
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  • 3 months later...



With this latest development update, we are pleased to announce the successful completion of the intricate flight model tuning process.

To mark this achievement, we present our new video showcasing a demonstration flight of the aircraft. From this point forward, we are preparing the module for ED flightworthiness certification.

This marks a significant milestone on our journey towards module release!




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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

In this note on the development of the La-7 aircraft module, we'll discuss its secondary function as a fighter primarily, focusing on the use of aviation bombs. Compared to the I-16, which has broader ground attack capabilities, the La-7 is equipped with a minimal bomb control system and only two suspension points. In practice, these are often loaded with small 25-kilogram cast-iron AO-25SL bombs. The aircraft's armament also includes FAB-50 and FAB-100 bombs.

Bombs are released simultaneously by pressing the bomb release button on the cockpit control panel. Power system monitoring and bomb release are managed through indicator lights. For emergency and non-explosive releases, the ASI-140 release mechanism with a cable is located on the left side of the cockpit. Please refer to our instructional video for a more detailed demonstration of the bomb application procedure from the La-7 aircraft.








Edited by phant
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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)


La-7 Development Report

Prepare to take to the skies and relive history with the upcoming DCS: La-7! Our partners, OctopusG, have been meticulously crafting this legendary World War II fighter aircraft, ensuring an authentic and immersive experience for all virtual warbird pilots. With its powerful engine, agile maneuverability, and formidable armament, the La-7 is poised to become a formidable addition to your virtual warbird hangar.

The La-7 by OctopusG is making great progress. The development of the La-7 flight model is now complete, and the assembly and preparation of the necessary documentation for certification is in progress. Unique features have been implemented like the decrease in lifting force when the side cowl flaps are fully opened due to the deterioration of the aerodynamics of the wing root.

The above graph demonstrates expected and actual La-7 performance in DCS. From this and other reports, OctopusG will be providing an excellent simulation of the flight performance and characteristics of this famous warbird.

An armament system has been completed and includes a bomb-aiming control system.

Please enjoy this DCS: La-7 Bombing video and pay special attention to the mechanical details. In this second short video, the cockpit canopy locking system is demonstrated: La-7 Canopy mechanics. In this example, it is important to note that the effect of airflow is present.

A wide collection of liveries are being prepared that will continue to expand. The damage model is complete, a quick manual has been written, and 2D for the GUI art has been created. The product is now being finalized for early access. Please stay tuned for the planned launch date.

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Edited by phant


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