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Additional Kit for UH1H


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So, the UH1H is a pretty capable platform, but I feel it's lacking much of what the real thing could carry and use. While I'm well aware that the Huey we have is a Vietnam era chopper, there were still plenty of weapons that could be mounted to the helicopter that we just don't have. Examples include:

  • M2/M3 .50cal MG
  • 40mm Grenade Launcher
    Bell Huey Photo Gallery. Large selection of photographs depicting the Huey  Helicopter
  • This huge rocket rack
    File:Bell UH-1 with rockets and minigun turret.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
  • Assorted Gun Pods
    The U.S. Army Kept Trying to Give the Huey Bigger Guns | by Joseph  Trevithick | War Is Boring | Medium
  • A 20mm cannon (yes, it was experimental, but still...)
    The U.S. Army Kept Trying to Give the Huey Bigger Guns | by Joseph  Trevithick | War Is Boring | Medium

There's probably more wild and whacky things that were done with the UH1s in Vietnam, but these are the ones that I think could give the old Huey just that little bit more punch in combat. Also, all of the pictures of 'Huey Hogs' that I've seen have the Co-pilot operated guns attached to a mount that the rocket pods were attached to, and not up front like we have in game. While this configuration was used by the Australians apparently, I can't help but think that maybe we could have the option of having the guns in the US Army location as well. Will it result in some crazy mofo trying to fit the Huey with 4 CP controlled guns? Probably. Will it work? Probably not. Will it be hilarious to watch the Huey broadside a helicopter like an old warship with miniguns? Absolutely.

Also, while we're at it, allow the door gunners to 'reload' their MGs when using something other than the minigun. I get that the Miniguns are fed using a large ammo box, but as you can see in some of the pictures here, ammo cans were also used since the MGs in question were still able to be used by ground forces (much like the ones used on ground vehicles) in a pinch.

Who here would also like to see the Huey get a bit more punch?

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I don't believe the UH-1H we have is a Vietnam era Huey. It has carbon fiber rotor blades after all. But I would love to see it with an RWR, and the ability to mount an M2 in the door gun. Pulse as you pointed out extra ammo should be an option. It never carried the 40MM grenade turret wich is disappointing. Really thought want is needed is a better logistics engine so we can better model the support of ground troops. That I believe would breath new life back into the Huey in DCS. 

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2 hours ago, FlankerKiller said:

I don't believe the UH-1H we have is a Vietnam era Huey. It has carbon fiber rotor blades after all. But I would love to see it with an RWR, and the ability to mount an M2 in the door gun. Pulse as you pointed out extra ammo should be an option. It never carried the 40MM grenade turret wich is disappointing. Really thought want is needed is a better logistics engine so we can better model the support of ground troops. That I believe would breath new life back into the Huey in DCS. 

The H was first produced in '66, and deliveries began in '67. So it is very much a Vietnam era helo

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IIRC we have 1980s UH-1H standard, modeled after Australian Bush Ranger, with 1980s cockpit and avionics.

Vietnam era UH-1H would be great, with some of the field modifications you mentioned, when we get more Vietnam era aircrafts in DCS or Vietnam map.

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