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Mavericks with a T16000 Hotas: A nightmare


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I have somehow successfully launched Mavs before, but I cannot repeat it consistently. When I gave up the other night I'd discovered that no matter where I mapped the SSS depress down, it did not work. Even though that button would work for anything else.

I just want play with the module and have never ran into such a convoluted process for weapons release on prior modules. Yes I'm aware that nozzles must be a 0 degrees to fire.

Video should be at the part where I have an issue.

Any help or even a good Hotas mapping of the T16000?



i7-4770K @3.50GHz; EVGA 1070 8GB Superclocked; 16GB Ram; MSI Z97 Gaming; two Samsung 500GB SSD's in RAID; TrackIR; 32" 2560x1440 Samsung

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/10/2022 at 3:17 AM, Ghostrider142 said:

I have somehow successfully launched Mavs before, but I cannot repeat it consistently. When I gave up the other night I'd discovered that no matter where I mapped the SSS depress down, it did not work. Even though that button would work for anything else.

I just want play with the module and have never ran into such a convoluted process for weapons release on prior modules. Yes I'm aware that nozzles must be a 0 degrees to fire.

Video should be at the part where I have an issue.

Any help or even a good Hotas mapping of the T16000?



Interesting. I've been having a hell of a time with the IR mavs on the Harrier and I use a T16000 stick. I wonder if it's the stick? I certainly have been finding it hard to get keybinds to work with this, one solution that sort of works for me most of the time is to make sure I only have one bind for a command, including axes. I thought I'd fixed things by doing this but I'm still having problems with the binds from time to time, although it does seem better. My biggest issue at the moment is I can't see anything useful on the Mav screen, it's very dark with only hot smoke showing. No targets etc. I have to dive at the target, spam the TDC down button I've assigned (I use button 3 on the throttle) and eventually, when I'm under 2 miles from the target - which I still can't see on the screen, I need to eyeball it in the HUD - I get the 'in range' notice and the mav fires. Then I have to pull out of the death dive I needed to get a lock. Naturally, this only works with a passive target that's not shooting back.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/6/2022 at 2:47 PM, Krez said:

I have a T16000m stick and throttle and I am not having that issue.

You can use the NWS button to zoom in on the MAV display.

Hmmm. Thanks, I do know about the NWS but it's a good tip. Not sure why I'm' having this trouble, i don't have it with any other module. The Laser MAVs are more reliable anyway, or so I've heard. Still, it's frustrating that the Harrier/T16000 interface settings I'm using behaves like this with the MAVs. I'm not just having a problem and then complaining, I've been trying to troubleshoot this for ages, systematically, but, for the life of me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently bought a T.16000M HOTAS (joystick and throttle) and I'm having a hard time slewing IR mavs.

To start, I mapped TDC axis to the analog ministick at the throttle. This ministick is pressable, so I mapped TDC-action to it.

I know the procedure, wait 'til mavs are ready -> uncage -> SSS-fwd to enter IRMV mode

The issue starts when I enter IRMV mode, it`s very difficult to slew the missile, it seems to respond to the ministick commands when I use diagonal commands. Have you seem something similar?

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