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A few questions about LOMAC


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Hi all. I'm new here and I have a few questions about the game:


1: About 30 seconds into the main menu screen, I hear the following conversation: "popal, popal, molodets...static...(some word, same word) nu!" What is the word? It sounds like either pidzhak, which doesn't really sound relevant, or another word which is pretty offensive but also doesn't seem relevant. Can anyone tell me what it is?


2: Does how come flying in the cockpit kills my FPS when compared to external view? At first I thought it was the angle of the view, and that I had a larger viewing distance when in the cockpit. Even when I am looking straight ahead from behind the airplane, it seems like I get more frames than when I'm in the cockpit.


3: When refueling at an airbase/carrier, do you have to taxi near a fuel truck in order to refuel or can one do it from anywhere?


4: What control in the Input Options screen corresponds to moving the Vertical Scan bar left and right? I thought it was either target designator or scan zone but neither one seems to work.


5: How do you add objects to the mission editor? I chose the coalitions, and then pressed "add new aircraft". I then named the flight, but when I tried to click the ">" arrow to make it flight 1 out of 1, it wouldn't respond. I clicked into the number field and changed it to "1" manually, but when I clicked out the game froze and then crashed with a runtime error. Am I doing something wrong?


6: Is the flight model of the Su-25 accurately modeled? I'm able to execute loops and I feel like that shouldn't be the case with that aircraft.


7: Is there any point in buying Flaming Cliffs if you don't have too much interest in the Su-39?


Thanks for the help,



Edited by Danja
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Hi all. I'm new here and I have a few questions about the game:


1: About 30 seconds into the main menu screen, I hear the following conversation: "popal, popal, molodets...static...(some word, same word) nu!" What is the word? It sounds like either pidzhak, which doesn't really sound relevant, or another word which is pretty offensive but also doesn't seem relevant. Can anyone tell me what it is?


You may have the 'music' on


2: Does how come flying in the cockpit kills my FPS when compared to external view? At first I thought it was the angle of the view, and that I had a larger viewing distance when in the cockpit. Even when I am looking straight ahead from behind the airplane, it seems like I get more frames than when I'm in the cockpit.


When you view from inside the plane the cockpit itself with all is details adds to the graphic overhead and so the frame rate drops.


3: When refueling at an airbase/carrier, do you have to taxi near a fuel truck in order to refuel or can one do it from anywhere?


No, you can fill up on the runway


4: What control in the Input Options screen corresponds to moving the Vertical Scan bar left and right? I thought it was either target designator or scan zone but neither one seems to work.


Are you referring to what you see on the HDD, the 3 positions for azmith, left, center, right? If so it is ctrl- and ctrl=

Edited by fitness88
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6: Is the flight model of the Su-25 accurately modeled? I'm able to execute loops and I feel like that shouldn't be the case with that aircraft.

- Yes, not more or less than the other flyables in vanilla LockOn. It's more accurate in Flaming Cliffs, inheriting some updates from the new Su-25T version.

- The Su-25 can do loops.


7: Is there any point in buying Flaming Cliffs if you don't have too much interest in the Su-39?

Yes :

- less bugs

- more advanced & realistic russian avionics

- MP compatibilty with a larger community





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You may have the 'music' on


Are you referring to what you see on the HDD, the 3 positions for azmith, left, center, right? If so it is ctrl- and ctrl=


Yes, I have the music on. I'm looking to find out what the word is.


I'm looking to move the target designator in Vertical Scan Mode (when you press "3" by default settings). When I go into BVR mode, I can move the target designator left, right, up, and down with the ,/;. keys. I thought you could do the same for the VSM bar but no luck.


Thanks for all of the help! Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong in the mission editor? I really want to create my own scenario but the run time errors are getting in the way :(.

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