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stupid mistake during reinstall-Black Shark


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I was playing around with Black Shark graphics.lua and apparently corrupted it, found out after the fact that you have to use notepad++ to edit .lua files. That being done, I thought to just deactivate it and reinstall it. So, the first time, I clicked wrong and it said it was activated again, now down to 7 activations. Whoops, screwed up. Ran protect again and successfully deactivated. Reinstalled and activated the sim. Before the flames start, I found out after I did all that that as long as you don't change os or hardware, you don't need to deactivate/activate. Dangit. Now I have only 6 activations left and 9 deactivations. So, is there a way I can get the count back to what it should be as new? Should they have that on record somewhere that it was the same license and pc?

Again, royal screw up on my part, just asking if there is a way to get those counts back. Thanks for the help.

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In case you run out of activations, you can mail them for more activations, so no worries.


Wouldn't it be kinda odd if youd actually have to buy the game again after upgrading your computer for enough times? ;)

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

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