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threat rings are not displayed for air defense targets


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it appears that threat rings are only displayed for threats that are added via the pre planned threat thing, but not for own threat points.

Also, when the threat file is full and a new threat is created with the TADS Store function, a target point is overridden. if that point has a threat ring, it will persist for the new point, even though the new point isn't an air defense threat.

Threat rings ranges should be derrived from the ident only, not what the mission is telling the apache what the range of the threat on the map is. The only thing the mission should tell the apache is what kind of ident to use for the threat and where it is.

Edited by FalcoGer
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17 hours ago, FalcoGer said:

Threat rings ranges should be derrived from the ident only, not what the mission is telling the apache what the range of the threat on the map is. The only thing the mission should tell the apache is what kind of ident to use for the threat and where it is.


I think you'll need a source or reference for that if you think that is the correct behaviour.

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24 minutes ago, Scaley said:

I think you'll need a source or reference for that if you think that is the correct [behavior].

the TM is unclear about this.

RFI/Radar correlations have a database of detection and engagement ranges associated with them. I would Imagine that a manually placed threat symbol will have the same database behind it to display the rings. If I were designing a system, I would make it so, reducing user errors, workloads, be more helpful to the crew and generally reusing a system that is in place.

I mean what's the difference between a point loaded from the DTU and a point put in by the crew? I say there should be none.

Maybe a real pilot may shed light on if threat rings are only displayed on purely pre-planned targets that are loaded from the DTU or if manually putting in threat points should also have range rings associated with them, which is what makes sense to me logically.

In other words: Are range rings associated to points and that feature is unavailable in the cockpit, or are range rings associated to point identifiers, meaning they're static for a particular threat point type?

Edited by FalcoGer
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