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Posted (edited)

Since 2 weeks I have this problem, and have to play a hard reset to my pc that not responding, hear discord voices, and mouse works, but ctrl+alt+delete not responds, reinstall win10 and game 2 times, no mods, and 32gb page file, need a help please, attached my log


Edited by ECV56_FOXONE
  • ECV56_FOXONE changed the title to Game freeze and unrecoverable crash

Hi, there's an ongoing freeze issue with Heatblur's F-14 and we still don't know what's happening exactly. I see you were playing the Foothold mission when your PC froze.

Does it freeze when you play a mission with no F-14?


Posted (edited)

yes but happens on other missions different of Foothold, last night freeze flying warbirds, explain better, flyng F14 the bug occurs? or F14 module on DCS? flying or not, and another cuestion, if unistall F14 solve the problem?


Edited by ECV56_FOXONE

According to users, even an AI F-14 unit present in the mission can produce the freeze:


Was there an AI F-14 unit in your warbirds mission? (a remake of The Final Countdown movie, maybe?)

If not, your issue is different.



By the way, you have a few unusual errors in your dcs.log file. The first one may be caused by the ECHO19_CORE sound mod.

2022-08-03 02:36:02.450 ERROR   SOUND: can't load proto file "/sounds/25/sdef/aircrafts/engines/su25inenginer.sdef": [string "/sounds/25/sdef/aircrafts/engines/su25inenginer.sdef"]:1: unfinished string near '"Effects/Aircrafts/Engines/Su25InEngineR'''
2022-08-03 02:36:09.562 ERROR   EDCORE: Failed to load C:/Program Files/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/services/LeapMotion/bin/edLeapMotion.dll: (126) No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.
2022-08-03 02:36:11.954 ERROR   EDCORE: Failed to load D:/dario/DCS.openbeta/Mods/services/DCS-SRS/bin/srs.dll: (126) No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.

The second error can be a concern since it's about a missing core game file. Can you please check "edLeapMotion.dll" really cannot be found inside "C:/Program Files/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World OpenBeta/CoreMods/services/LeapMotion/bin/"?



I agree we don't really care about Leap Motion on its own since you don't use it.

But I asked you about Leap Motion because it's a missing component of the game, and you said you had done a repair. If this edLeapMotion.dll file is really missing, it means your game has not been properly repaired and maybe more important components are missing too.

So please check this file is really missing. If it is missing, run another DCS repair (choose "slow" method).

Your dxdiag log shows your Saved Games folder is stored on a HDD. HDDs have slow response time, and this could be a reason for suffering freezes. If you have enough space on your NVMe C:\ drive , it will be better for DCS that you tell Windows to store its Saved Games on the C:\ drive.


Posted (edited)

ok I´m trying the three steps, and fly 3 sessions in MP witohout freezes, but now I have stutterings, trying to solve this now, thank you Flappie for your cooperation!!!!


Edited by ECV56_FOXONE

Good. To solve your stutter issue, ensure the Windows power plan is set to the max ("High performance", "Maximum Performance"...).

See here.

If that doesn't help, reproduce the stuttering, then attach your dcs.log file here.


Posted (edited)

here is the dxdiag.txt , but it seems the problem is my SSD SAMSUNG 950 PRO 512gb, caus reinstall DCS today on HDD disk and works fine, I don´t know how SDD is not work fine, maybe pagefile I don´t know


Edited by ECV56_FOXONE

it´s a SSD M2 SAMSUNG 950 PRO, its seems  there are a bottle neck in my ASUS B350M-A mother M2 socket, I gotta buy a PCI-e adapter for the SSD and works fine, as they told me

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