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Taxi bug?


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Hey all, I'm sorry but I can't find any post or information about that but when I'm on the ground the plane keeps turning to the right. I have to put in left rudder almost to the max and it makes taking off or Taxiing really difficult. Is it just me or is this issue known? What do I have to do to properly taxi or take off? 

Edited by lReap3Rl
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Do you perhaps have brakes applied to one wheel? You can check that in the auxiliary (don't know the name for it anymore) MFD page that shows brake pressure. You can also press RCtrl+enter to see the current axis inputs. Maybe you have something bound to it without knowing.

Otherwise, how much wind is in the mission?

Also, attach a track. It helps a lot to see where the issue might be. Fly a very short mission in single player, go to the debrief screen, press save track and attach the track here.

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