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100% CPU usage when loading a profile for Saitek X52

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I have searched all over and havent resolved this issue.


At first my profiler was working correctly with the software provided with my joystick. I was trying to put FOV control on the percision slider. I was having an issue with that because I was not making an advance command to have a press and release command for each key. Therefore once i used the slider the 1 key was constantly being inputed.


I have yet to see if it will now work correctly because in my troubleshooting of that issue somewhere along the line I updated they drivers and STT software. In fact it wasn't until I installed them that I began to have the problem.


Prior to updating I was able to Alt-Tab in and out of IL2 without issue besides the repeated key problem.


Now when I try to load my profile my CPU usage spike to 100% and my system completely goes haywire and Im forced to do a hard reset.


I have tried to purge the files and all of the stuff they have suggested in the forums to no avail. I had to stop trying last night before I put my X52 through my 40" TV. I spent all day working on profiles for Lock On and IL2 and now nothing works. Im sure you guys know how frustrating profiling can be.


One thing I didnt do was to actually go into the device manager and manually remove the drivers for Saitek devices. Could I possibly have missed this step?


Also I read somewhere that if you do not set the other modes to "fallback" That the STT will make your controller make a crazy amount of unneeded commands which I believe may also be a resource hog. But I was a little confused to how to make sure you have the least amount of commands and get rid of unused ones. Because even before everything went to hell it seem to be using alot of resources.


Please someone help thank you.

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A very similar problem happened to me, but it was assigning a keypress to the modes, 1...2...3..


I was lucky enough to have a backup save of the profile, and only had to redo a couple of commands. My opinion of the SST software has not changed tho....I use it; I just dont trust it!


Have you deleted the advanced command, and if so, how? I heard that to completely get rid of the advanced command you have to right-click on the box, left-click on 'do nothing', and then 'delete all unused commands'.... Hope this helps!

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on your bands and your mode switches you have to set them to a macro or else they will continuously send that keyboard command..


if you are using the mode or slider or rotary (in bands) and want to set it to a function set it to a Macro instead of a key stroke, that way it will only send the command once per entry into the band/key.. if not it will continuously send that keyboard command when at that position.

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Well that was it I had to assign them as micros. Now it only is hitting the key once and im not getting the 100% cpu prob.

I read in a thread somewhere that i was to use the advance commands to achieve this.


Could some one explain the differance bacause I thought you were to use macro's to do multi-task commands such as hitting one button to and have ur gear go up and raise flaps for example.


Also why was I unable to just click on the band and input the key command like i would for say trigger 1. I would just hit space bar. Is it because its a band the key repeats because if i use a command on a button its only used once.


Thanks again for the solution.

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