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Patrouille Suisse Close call . .


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On 6/15/2023 at 10:54 PM, G.J.S said:

I wonder what actually happened there. Was anything officially communicated about the incident?

Too small to properly see, but it looks like number 2 is making quite an abrupt maneuver down.


.. now that I read my own message above.. this could indeed probably also be said, about what happened in their flight suits

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH

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2 hours ago, sirrah said:

I wonder what actually happened there. Was anything officially communicated about the incident?

Too small to properly see, but it looks like number 2 is making quite an abrupt maneuver down.


.. now that I read my own message above.. this could indeed probably also be said, about what happened in their flight suits

Hello chap.

Nothing cause related has been divulged yet, maybe over the next couple weeks a “who, what, why” may be released. #3 bottomed out quite low after the scrape, so pilot sure showed keen reflexes. #2 started a mild bunt for unknown reasons, maybe caught in some turbulent flow off lead? That gave a “whiplash” effect which amplified #3’s response.

Thankfully they all made it back to the field, minor damage to two A/C the much better outcome.

Anything further I will post up. 👍🏻

- - - The only real mystery in life is just why kamikaze pilots wore helmets? - - -

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Two images of the nosecone from the number 3 F-5, the debris landed on a house causing light damage, and injuring the occupant by broken glass.

Also, a slightly different perspective of the incident in the link - https://twitter.com/fl360aero/status/1669385389922975752?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1669385389922975752|twgr^bb727ffc00e9c3df1a0675610bc0d46652a27a39|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Faviation-safety.net%2Fwikibase%2F315270



- - - The only real mystery in life is just why kamikaze pilots wore helmets? - - -

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