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F/A-18 & P-51D Perfom great in MT VR, F-16 Crash & burn


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F/A-18 & P-51D work great in MT VR ("DCS.exe" --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR) but the F-16 does not work. (2 FPS,  crash and burn) .
I realize this is not enough information as far as logs, but has anyone had a single plane not work?  

Quest 2, RTX 2080 Super

Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Hi. A rull of thumb: the younger the module, the lesser FPS you'll get. The P-51 is an old module, but also an old plane: no screens onboard, simple systems... All that means your PC is almost "resting" when you're flying a P-51. Yet 2 FPS is awful. How many FPS do you get when flying the P-51?

Please attach:

  • the latest .zip file from your "C:/Users/your_login/Saved Games/DCS.../Logs" folder
  • your dxdiag log (how to make one)

Don't accept indie game testing requests from friends in Discord. Ever.

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