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Can't take off " openbeta"


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Don't know what is going on with the Gazelle in OpenBeta but it's absolutely impossible to take off, it as the tendency of banking right as soon as it lives the ground no matter how much left roll I apply. The control from what I can see with the control indicator window shows that everything is working like it should, I'm baffled, everything was working fine in the Stable version



Edited by Marcq
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At present the Gazelle had a flight model overhaul in Open Beta that hasn't appeared in Stable yet.

There are a few bugs which they know about and will be fixed for the next open beta release.




The new FM is completely different, the Gazelle has a real life tendency to hang right skid low in hover and when taking off I usually apply some very slight aft and left stick (apply force trim to hold it there)and then just as she goes light on the skids you need to give it a an slightly stronger push to the left and then centre the stick quickly (to the aforementioned back and left) to stop the right roll as she lifts. Then adjust as required for a stable hover as normal.

Also be smooth on the collective.

You have to be proactive rather than reactive as if she starts rolling to the right too much no amount of left stick will stop it, if this happens, to try and avoid the roll over is drop the collective, quickly but smoothly and it may save you.

Or turn on invulnerability for a practice so you dont have to keep reloading a practice mission everytime you smash it up. 

Hope this helps.

Edited by Lloyd80
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13 hours ago, Lloyd80 said:

At present the Gazelle had a flight model overhaul in Open Beta that hasn't appeared in Stable yet.

There are a few bugs which they know about and will be fixed for the next open beta release.




The new FM is completely different, the Gazelle has a real life tendency to hang right skid low in hover and when taking off I usually apply some very slight aft and left stick (apply force trim to hold it there)and then just as she goes light on the skids you need to give it a an slightly stronger push to the left and then centre the stick quickly (to the aforementioned back and left) to stop the right roll as she lifts. Then adjust as required for a stable hover as normal.

Also be smooth on the collective.

You have to be proactive rather than reactive as if she starts rolling to the right too much no amount of left stick will stop it, if this happens, to try and avoid the roll over is drop the collective, quickly but smoothly and it may save you.

Or turn on invulnerability for a practice so you dont have to keep reloading a practice mission everytime you smash it up. 

Hope this helps.


Thanks a bunch, really appreciated 



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