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Mission 3 triggers won't proceed


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Hello, i have a problem with completing mission cuz it seems (to me) that certain triggers can't pop up. It's always in moment when i clear both clearings. Chevy just land in first clearing and then RTB without any info to player (mission voiceovers). After returning to farp mission score is just 50. I have tried it at least 15 times, only one time i get voiceover from Cobras that "area seems clear to them and that they need RTB" but Chevy still do the same. My next problem is that Cobras often just die right away or few times just run away to farp after taking fire.


Edited by Mirex
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2 hours ago, Mirex said:

Hello, i have a problem with completing mission cuz it seems (to me) that certain triggers can't pop up. It's always in moment when i clear both clearings. Chevy just land in first clearing and then RTB without any info to player (mission voiceovers). After returning to farp mission score is just 50. I have tried it at least 15 times, only one time i get voiceover from Cobras that "area seems clear to them and that they need RTB" but Chevy still do the same. My next problem is that Cobras often just die right away or few times just run away to farp after taking fire.



I'll test it, see if there's any behaviour changed after the last patch. I'll let you know in a little bit, trigger zones are failry big and if all the enemy is neutralized you should get an RTB message, without having to follow the AFAC back, that should give you the passing score. I'll see how it goes in a test right now. 

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So, I found a way around it, and updated that mission. 

You can have the updated version here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16umg1rAolLI_HYmj90lLnkOMlhwAn0jZ/view?usp=drive_link  just replace it in your DCS World\Mods\campaigns\UH-1H The Huey Last Show folder, i will send it to ED to push it in their next update. 

Let me know how it goes. 


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Thank you good sir! Now i was able to complete it 🙂 Everything worked well (apart for cobras, they love to die to ZU23). Going back to my first post, i thought it was some issues with damaged radio but two or three times i managed to be not hit by enemy, still hear Kiowa reporting they will RTB (normal AI clatter) but nothing happend. Anyway, thank you again !

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  • 2 weeks later...

About the UPDATED version:

Today I tried a lot of times to complete this mission. The cobras and the UH-1 mostly got shot. I found a fuel truck in the left group of enemies, but mostly I got hit affter engaging. And when I survived I got out of ammunition later. When I went back to the base to re-arm I got an information: Chevy is going back to base. After turning back to the location to engage the last enemies Chevy should land to collect intel. 

But this don`t happen, because Chevy is back at base.

Can you help? I think the target is to kill all enemies. Chevy should land and collect intel. I can`t complete this mission, sorry...

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There is no reason to have to go back and re-arm, you should be able to deal with everything with the rockets and flex guns and the door gunners. The trucks will happily go up and explode, helping you with that. I hope you don't have any mods about explosions as i'm not sure how those triggers will react to them. Once again, the updated version that i have posted here should work okay, you can always help the cobra's with your door gunners, and ask 2 to cover you. 



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53 minutes ago, razer668 said:

Thank you, I have completed the mission. It was not so easy, but today I had a lucky day :O)

Just remember to "keep it moving" If you read Chickenhawk, that's pretty much the bible of every helicopter pilot, it's being said there many times that you have to constantly move your helicopter around, and throughout this campaign you will learn to dodge 23 mm shells, as long as you see them there's a big chance you can move around them. Also make sure that you aim properly and not waste ammo, also door gunners are your friend, they are failry accurate, (they are setup for 100% skill) and if you go fast they can still aim quite well. 

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