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F15E TDC slew bug (in the TPOD page)

Go to solution Solved by Kercheiz,

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My setup:

My DCS has no mods.

I use a thrustmaster t16000m HOTAS set. 

  1. I bound the TDC UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to a hat on my thrustmaster stick (non axis commands). 
  2. I also bound the TDC horizontal/vertical movement to a joystick located in my thrustmaster throttle, this time they are axis commands.

The problem as showed in the trackfile :F15TDCbug.trk

  1. I pull up the TPOD page, I slew the tpod view using my thrustmaster stick, everything works fine.
  2. I now slew using my thrustmaster throttle, everything works fine once again.
  3. I go back to slewing with my thrustmaster stick, this time I can't slew following one or both of the axis (DOWN/UP or LEFT/RIGHT) (in the trackfile I couldn't slew LEFT/RIGHT but I could UP/DOWN).


  1. Even after doing all of that, the slewing always works fine when using my thrustmaster throttle.
  2. This behavior only appears in the TPOD page, the radar pages work fine.
  3. This behavior is a bit random, most of the time it breaks one axis (DOWN/UP or LEFT/RIGHT), sometimes it breaks both and sometimes it doesn't break anything or the problem fixes itself.

So to condense the problem, it seems that slewing the TDC in the TPOD page by using the axis commands will break the slewing when using the non axis commands. 





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  • 3 weeks later...
21 hours ago, Kercheiz said:

Your ministick, as an analog device, is continuously sending noisy values which fight with key binds.

Just add a deadzone in DCS axis tune panel, it should fix your problem.


Thanks a lot for your reply, your answer makes sense to me.

One peculiar thing though is that there was no issue using the TDC in the radar page for example, only in the TGP page it is breaking.

I'm going to get back to you once I come back from my holidays in a couple of days, gotta test the ministick and try your fix.

Thanks again and have a good day 👍

Full fidelity su27/mig29 ?

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On 8/16/2023 at 7:03 PM, Kercheiz said:

Your ministick, as an analog device, is continuously sending noisy values which fight with key binds.

Just add a deadzone in DCS axis tune panel, it should fix your problem.


You were absolutely right, adding a deadzone fixed it but rather than noisy values being the problem, it was in fact the analog stick that didn't recenter itself exactly which caused the problem. 

However this still begs the question on why the radar page isn't prone to this slight issue (and no issues either with radar cursor in the f16c) so perhaps something else is happening here on top of the hardware issue. Well, no matter, this has been fixed on my end thanks to you !

Full fidelity su27/mig29 ?

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2 hours ago, notproplayer3 said:

You were absolutely right, adding a deadzone fixed it but rather than noisy values being the problem, it was in fact the analog stick that didn't recenter itself exactly which caused the problem. 

However this still begs the question on why the radar page isn't prone to this slight issue (and no issues either with radar cursor in the f16c) so perhaps something else is happening here on top of the hardware issue. Well, no matter, this has been fixed on my end thanks to you !

Each sensor has its own way of interpreting TDC input. For radar this is a simple cursor movement, while on TPOD it controls the camera gimbal motors. So different behavior might be observed when multiple controllers are fighting

Edited by Kercheiz
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