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Highway traffic direction with widely separated 2+2 lanes


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Sinai map's Highway traffic (with widely separated 2+2 lanes) looks going here :

When there is not a normal road but Highway, the traffic direction is to be :

Even railways are inserted in their middle, also to be :


The Highways in Las Vegas / Nevada map work properly, I've checked.
ED will tell you how to setup traffic directions for those 2+2 lanes' Highway.

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Modules: A-10C/II, F-4E, F-5E, F-14A/B, F-15E, F-16C, F/A-18C, AV-8B, FC3, Ka-50-2/3, UH-1H, Mi-8MTV2, SA342, Mi-24P, AH-64D, P-51D
Maps: Nevada, PG, Syria, SA, Sinai, Kola, Afghanistan, Channel, Normandy2.0      Assets etc.: CA, Sc, WW2AP
Mods and Skins in User Files: files/filter/user-is-western0221/ 


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