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16:9 and zoom out


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Hi there, just got a new monitor :-) a loverly Samsung 2494HS 24inch 16:9.


Now im finding that my zoom out in cockpit view feels less with the new monitor and that instead of having a larger viewing area, i have less. It could be just me, im not sure...


I was wondering if anyone had similar problems or a possible solution + any thoughts and suggestions on using 16:9 with black shark would be kewl..:huh:

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strange?...make sure the aspect ratio has also changed with your new resoultion..


if you are running 1920x1200 (16:10, 1.6 aspect ratio) or 1920 x 1080 (16:9 , 1.7777 aspect ratio)


If that is the case, then the zoomout will be the same, and look correct, though it does draw more of the cockpit because of the widescreen res, which I guess can make it a bit less zoomy ? when zooming out..

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I have 20.1'' 1.6 (1680x1050) and all is fine with views. (Earlier I had 15'' CRT :D)

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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