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ICP no longer displaying DED


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So I bought my WW ICP, got it set up, worked no problems.

Later I bought 2x MFDs with displays, also got those working. For a while I had all 3 working correctly. (I have an unconnected issue with DCS resolution, but that's another post...)

However at some point recently I have lost my ICP DED display, I just get a lit background. (It continues to work correctly in BMS btw.) As I was spending time trying to understand the F-16 AG radar, I wasn't paying attention to when exactly the DED stopped displaying. You know how it is sometimes.

My Export.lua looks like this:

local wwtlfs=require('lfs')
local janjan = require('lfs'); dofile(janjan.writedir()..[[Scripts\JanJan\JanJan_Export.lua]])
local wwtlfs=require('lfs')

As you can see there is a janjan entry there too (which is something for VoiceAttack) - I don't know lua enough to know if that's the problem, or whether that's fine where it is, it seems OK to me. Anyway, I did change it a little to

local wwtlfs=require('lfs')
local wwtlfs=require('lfs')
local janjan = require('lfs')

To no effect.

The bottom two-thirds of the ICP works just fine, it's just a button-box down there after all, I think of it as a button box with a display attached to it, just like the MFDs are displays with button-boxes around them.

Does anyone know why the DED would suddenly stop displaying in DCS? (As I said, it's fine in BMS.)

Edited by DMarkwick
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Looks to me like 2 things…

You have the winwing rows in there twice

And the second time it doesn’t start a new line before the BIOS row….which would probably fail the entire data export

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OK, thanks for the reply 🙂

I guess I will change it to

local wwtlfs=require('lfs')
local janjan = require('lfs')

when I get back home, see if that fixes anything.

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And check in SimAppPro that you have the permission to change export .lua (sorry, can remember exactly what it's called) turned OFF so it doesn't attempt to put the lines back in again. Hopefully that prevents you from getting doubled up again.  But likely the WW and DCS-Bios lines being combined was the case of your issue.

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Totally naked is blank, so I suggest rename the file to make DCS / SimAppPro think it doesn’t exist. Then use SimAppPro to setup and try it.

You can always then try adding your other rows back in if you need them

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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