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Unable to use XFER PROG or XFER ALL


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Hey all:

I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, but also wondering if there's a bug.

  1. I'll load 5 x JSOWs on board, or even 2 (under wing)
  2. I'll go into ARMT, setup say PROG1 to have some or all of the JSOWs
  3. I'll select auto, direct, n/t.
  4. PROBLEM 1: I will be unable to cycle through all stations. For example, in a 5 JSOW loadout, only the left two and the righthand most ones will be accessible
  5. I'll go into SMRT WPNS then EDIT MSN and set up UFC entered target coords. I'll enter LAT/LONG/ALT. I will then set it to XFER ALL or XFER PROG and select XFR MSN.
  6. PROBLEM 2: XFER PROG/ALL will immediately change to XFER WPN and it'll only transfer to the single WPN. No matter what I do, I cannot get it to XFER PROG/ALL. I will then have to go through all the rest of the weapons and set them up one by one.

I've watched a few tutorials and I seem to be doing things correctly. I've also had a look around to see if there's any mentioned bugs but beyond some problems regarding selecting the stations which... sorta.. seem related, I've not found much.

Am I doing something wrong, or are these bugs?


Edited by thecrazedlog
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